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21 posts tagged with "developer"

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· One min read
Chris Anatalio
Senior Developer Advocate

Agenda: Discord thread

Summary: Hoops Finance, a DeFi protocol, discussed their platform they are building.

  1. They abstract away the complexity of DeFi investments for normal users through a series of guided prompts.
  2. Provides simplified access to LP liquidity provisioning abstraction
  3. Public AMM API for read/write data on AMMs on Stellar
  4. Hoops Finance API:


· One min read
Carsten Jacobsen
Senior Developer Advocate

Agenda: Discord thread

SDF DevRel team member Carsten Jacobsen showed how to build a simple Hello World dapp based on a Soroban smart contract and Next.js through these steps:

  1. Create the default Hello World smart contract using the Stellar CLI
  2. Create TypeScript bindings (package) using the Stellar CLI
  3. Create the default Next.js using the npx create-next-app command
  4. Add and link the TypeScript binding package to the Next.js project
  5. Create a simple frontend with a form to submit a string
  6. Import the package in the Next.js page, and setup a client
  7. Create submit-function to send form value to the smart contract
  8. Use useState to store the smart contract response and display it


· One min read
Carsten Jacobsen
Senior Developer Advocate

Agenda: Discord thread

Developer Experience team member Nando Vieira introduced the CLI features alias and snapshot:

  1. Alias
    1. Install of Hello World example for showcasing alias
    2. Showed examples of how contract IDs are often passed as parameters in CLI commands like invoke (copying ID string or command substitution)
    3. How to deploy a smart contract and create an alias
    4. How to invoke the smart contract with the alias
  2. Snapshot
    1. How to create a ledger snapshop
    2. How to use the snapshot in a test case

Towards the end Nando went through the developer documentation, with focus on the added command line examples for Windows users, and a useful cookbook for CLI commands.


· One min read
Chris Anatalio
Senior Developer Advocate

Agenda: Discord thread

Platform team demonstrated Galexie, a part of CDP(Composable Data Platform):

  1. Galexie
    1. Data Extraction: Extracts raw ledger data from the Stellar network
    2. Compression: Compresses raw data for efficient storage
    3. Storage Options: Supports runtime configuration through the Datastore abstraction to use various physical storage layers, starting with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
    4. Modes of Operation: Can operate in either batch mode or streaming mode
  2. Composable Data Platform
    1. Flexible Datastore: Multiple options for physical data storage layers
    2. Galexie: Used to extract, compress and export data to your chosen Datastore
    3. Transform: Structure data in a model suitable to your application
  3. Pluggable Data Pipelines
    1. Workflows: Create ETL(extract, transform, load) pipelines
    2. Streaming: Fast, lightweight streaming data


· One min read
Julian Martinez
Senior Developer Advocate
  1. @Soiled and @Robeart from Orbit spoke about using Blend to create decentralized stablecoins for all currencies under the Orbit Protocol, utilizing a decentralized pegkeeper to maintain their price, and leveraging these stablecoins and smart wallets to create an orderbook less perpetual exchange, bringing Forex to Stellar

2.Link to the presentation

Note: The hosts microphone audio is not in the video so there is some silence during Q/A. Here are the question asked during the Q/A:

  1. (From ! markus_0) why do you always have an infinite amount of tokens in the pool? Wouldn't it be safer to start small and mint more as demand opens up 2.(From HunterIonize) What purpose does this serve exactly? Sorry to be blunt
  2. How do you see the Orbit Protocol contributing to financial inclusion on a global scale, particularly in underbanked regions? What challenges do you anticipate in achieving this?
  3. In 5-10 years, how do you see the landscape of Forex on blockchain evolving? What role do you believe Stellar will play in this evolution, and how will Blend and Orbit Protocol be at the forefront?
  4. Are there any asks of the developer community?


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. Tdep discussed Zephyr, an execution env built on top of the indexer Mercury. He also walked through examples demonstrating how Zephyr can simplify dapp development.


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. Piyal demonstrated that Freighter's swap functionality is now served by Soroswap. It was previously served by Stellar Dex.
  2. Freighter has made integration instructions available here.
  3. Esteban shared that Palta Labs has created a DEX aggregator and made it available to all via the Router SDK.
  4. The Router SDK finds the optimal path for the swap in terms of swap cost across all dexes on Soroban.


· 2 min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager

Note: the first part of the call was lost. The video posted above captures the second half of the call where various ecosystem developers shared their use cases and needs for a smart wallet on Stellar.

  1. Tyler put forward a proposal for a smart wallet as a public good. Given that the native auth can be overloaded by using __check_auth, Stellar implementation of a smart wallet is fairly straightforward. The capability to customize the auth is already built into the core protocol.
  2. See the proposal here and implementation here
  3. The proposal only uses WebAuthN-based signers i.e. passkeys. It does not use ed25519, which, perhaps it should given that ~100% of the accounts on Stellar use the scheme. It also introduces the notion of temporary and admin signers to illustrate the notion that the account can be managed by multiple signers, each with a different access policy.
  4. The biggest unlock with custom auth is the ability to execute custom logic. We heard from various ecosystem members about how might they us it. 4a. A dev is building a perpetual protocol and thought smart wallets could be used to automatically manage defi positions, which would be a significant improvement over status quo where the user has to constantly track assets to determine when to execute a trade. 4b. Folks are excited about foregoing the seed phrase for passkeys, which is especially meaningful when onboarding net new users to the blockchain. 4c. Authorizing a cross-chain message from a different chain, especially programmatic authorization, requires an implementation of custom accounts. 4d. Some apps have noted that users prefer not to have a wallet but simply experience the value of the app, especially games. For this, the app may assign a temprory account to the user and control access via check_auth. 4c. Microtransactions without needing user sign is super interesting for apps as well.
  5. This has been a very insightful meeting and we learnt about how the Stellar ecosystem plans to leverage smart wallet. Let's continue the conversation in discord!


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. SDF Data team gave a crash course in analysis of Stellar data, and covered how to access Hubble, tips for efficient querying, and how to get started with data exploration.
  2. Slides are publicly available and legible async.
  3. Tips for data anlaysis are also covered in docs
  4. Share your queries and post questions in #hubble in Stellar discord, which is a dedicated channel for data-related topics.


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. Chad and Willem from Aha Labs discuss the updates to the new and improved stellar-cli
  2. Some highlights include the change from the name 'soroban' to 'stellar' when using the CLI tool and the addition of new commands.
  3. They cover some cool functions like local network setup, account creation, and transaction signing. with the following commands:
    • stellar network container [start|logs]
    • stellar keys [generate|fund|ls]
    • stellar contract init to get a whole new Soroban project
    • and so much more!
  4. They also discuss expected future updates including support for more Stellar operations and integration with Stellar Lab V2!


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. Kirckz discusses Meru, a Financial services app for Freelancers and remote workers in Latin America.
  2. He shares his experience integrating Meru with Blend, a liquidity protocol primitive for Stellar.
  3. Kirckz shares the challenges faced during the integration and how they were overcome.
  4. He shares the sdks and libraries his team used to facilitate the integration.

Follow Meru on X (formerly Twitter) to stay updated:


· One min read
Tyler van der Hoeven
Lead Developer Advocate
  1. Tyler created Super Peach, a web3 application that uses passkeys to sign transactions. He demonstrated how passkeys can be used in authorization flows and how they can be used to sign transactions.
  2. Introduced passkey-kit. A TypeScript SDK for creating and managing Smart Wallets via passkeys (includes the actual Smart Wallet interface)
  3. Introduced Launchtube, a service for submitting transactions onchain by covering both the transaction fee AND the sequence number. Wild!
  4. He shared his vision for pushing the passkey implementation through to becoming a standard for the ecosystem.

Join the #passkeys channel on the Discord to continue the discussion


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager
  1. Tyler built a voting application using passkeys to sign the transaction, which is an implementation of the secp256r1 verification function.
  2. He showed a cross-platform implementation (web and mobile) and demonstrated that passkeys are the perfect interface between web3 contracts and web2 authentication mechanisms that most end users are accostomed to.
  3. Ecosystem members discussed the use of smart wallets that would use passkeys as a signer. Challenges were identified around fees requires for smart wallets, the need for a common implementation for a smart wallet, as well as how might it interface with existing password managers.
  4. The voting application can be tried out at
  5. Code for the demo is here


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager

Discord Agenda thread

  1. Fifo presented Stellar Plus, which is a Javascript library to simplify the Stellar and Soroban development.
  2. Ecosystem members found the design for Stellar Plus composable and encompassing of all Stellar related functionality including management of assets, accounts, wasm-related operations, as well as RPC utils.
  3. The links to Fifo's presentation and Stellar Plus are:


· One min read
Tyler van der Hoeven
Lead Developer Advocate

Discord agenda thread

  1. Justin from demo'd Ortege, a data analytics platform for Stellar and Soroban.
  2. Ortege lets anyone in the Stellar ecosystem create dashboards to track any and all desired metrics. Ortege's queries, widgets, and dashboards are shareable making it the perfect platform to surface
  3. Justin will be releasing an AI soon and enable querying and insights via natural language.
  4. All are invited to create a free account and track the success metrics for their dashboard.


· One min read
Naman Kumar
Product Manager

Today's recording has two parts. The first 12 minutes are audio-only. The next 45 minutes have video as well. Please note the slides were shared in discord chat over screensharing, due to technical difficulties.

Part 1 (audio-only):

Part 2 (video):

Discord Agenda thread

  1. Piyal surfaced the proposal for a Wallet Standard and requested feedback.
  2. Cubist, an ecosystem project, discussed CubeSigner, a low-latency API for generating keys and signing transactions inside secure hardware.
  3. Stellar-based example of CubeSigner is available in the Cubist Labs Github repository
  4. Cubist devs can be contacted via the Stellar discord or the web form.


· One min read
Tyler van der Hoeven
Lead Developer Advocate

Discord agenda thread

  1. There's a discussion on a TX meta change increasing visibility and analytics within the Stellar network. (
  2. Read-only invocations for contracts is explained, focusing on ensuring certain functions remain read-only without side effects. ( ( (
  3. Enabling contract discovery is introduced to enhance the visibility and authenticity of smart contracts within the Stellar ecosystem.
  4. The implementation of a standardized contract meta data schema is proposed to link contracts to source code and enhance contract discoverability.(
  5. Issues related to inclusion fees in the Stellar network, highlighting the importance of monitoring fees closely and understanding the implications of surge pricing. (
  6. Plans are discussed for designing a new RPC endpoint to provide developers with better visibility and information on setting inclusion fees, aiming to improve transparency and decision-making regarding fee trade-offs.


· 2 min read
Tyler van der Hoeven
Lead Developer Advocate

Discord agenda thread

  1. Plan and schedule for these meetings
    1. Protocol meetings every other Thursday at 4pm ET
    2. Developer meetings every other Friday at 1pm ET
    3. Will continue to adjust as needed
  2. Fee bump bug - announcement | discussion thread
    1. Fee sponsorship bug: unused fee is refunded to the inner tx source rather than the sponsor source.
    2. Fix in new release. Up to the ecosystem and validators to upgrade. The fix will likely be rolled out before Phase 2.
    3. Up to validators to determine if they’d like to push the v20 upgrade date to wait for the fix; or upgrade with current release.
  3. TxMeta Deprecation in Horizon - announcement
  4. Ideas around testing against ledger snapshots - request
    1. Define the needs a bit more clearly
    2. Definitely something here we should be addressing to make testing against specific ledger state easier
  5. How do you get a list of smart contracts? - thread
    1. Observe create contract ops as ledgers close
    2. Use an indexing service
  6. What is the status of contracts caching support? - question
    1. response