Part 1
RampMeDaddy will be joining us for this Stellar Developer Meeting. RampMeDaddy is currently participating in the Stellar x Draper Embark Program, and we ask what the team is up to, learn more about what they are building and a casual chat about how they are building their dapp on Stellar/Soroban.
Visit their website here: https://rampmedaddy.com
Part 2
In this protocol meeting two Core Advancement Proposals are discussed - Dima will be presenting CAP-0064 (Memo Authorization for Soroban), and Graydon will be presenting CAP-0065 (Reusable Module Cache).
Here are some resources:
CAP-0064 - https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/blob/master/core/cap-0064.md
Discussion - https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/discussions/1610
CAP-0065 - https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/blob/master/core/cap-0065.md
Discussion - https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/discussions/1615