Admin Guide
The RPC service allows you to communicate directly with Soroban via a JSON RPC interface.
For example, you can build an application and have it send a transaction, get ledger and event data, or simulate transactions.
Alternatively, you can use one of Soroban's client SDKs, such as the @stellar/stellar-sdk, which will need to communicate with an RPC instance to access the network.
Run Your Own Instance for Development
For local development, we recommend downloading and running a local instance via Docker Quickstart and running a local network or communicating with a live development Testnet.
We don't recommend running the Quickstart image in production. See the deploy your own RPC instance section.
The Quickstart image with the RPC service can run on a standard laptop with 8GB of RAM and has minimal storage and CPU requirements. It is a single container that runs everything you need to test against a fully featured network. It contains:
- Stellar Core - Node software that runs the network, coordinates consensus, and finalizes ledgers.
- Stellar RPC server - JSON RPC server for interacting with Soroban contracts.
- Horizon server - HTTP API for accessing ledger state and historical transactions.
- Friendbot server - HTTP API for creating and funding new accounts on test networks.
To run a local standalone network with the Stellar Quickstart Docker image, run the following command:
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8000:8000 \
--name stellar \
stellar/quickstart:testing \
--local \
Once the image is started, you can check its status by querying the Horizon API:
curl "http://localhost:8000"
You can interact with this local node using the Stellar CLI. First, add it as a configured network:
stellar network add local \
--rpc-url "http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc" \
--network-passphrase "Standalone Network ; February 2017"
Then generate a unique identity (public/private keypair) and to fund it using:
stellar keys generate alice
It's a good practice to never use the same keys for testing and development that you use for the public Stellar network. Generate new keys for testing and development and avoid using them for other purposes.
Now that you have a configured network and a funded identity, you can use these within other Stellar CLI commands. For example, deploying a contract:
stellar contract deploy \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/[project_name].wasm \
--source alice \
--network local
Or invoking a contract:
stellar contract invoke \
--id C... \
--source alice \
--network local \
-- \
hello \
--to friend
When you're done with your local node, you can close it with ctrlc (not cmd). This will fully remove the container (that's what the --rm
option to the docker
command does), which means you will need to re-deploy your contract and re-fund your identity the next time you start it. If you work with local nodes often, you may want to create scripts to make these initialization steps easier. For example, see the example dapp's
Running your own Testnet node works much the same way as running a Quickstart node, as described above. You will need minor modifications for a few commands. First, you need --testnet
for the docker instance, rather than --standalone
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8000:8000 \
--name stellar \
stellar/quickstart:testing \
--testnet \
And you'll want to configure it for use with the --network
flag in Stellar CLI:
stellar network add testnet \
--rpc-url "http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc" \
--network-passphrase "Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
Replace testnet
in that command with the name of your choice if you want to leave the name testnet
available for use with a public RPC provider (see below). Or make clever use of --global
configs for public providers and local configs (made with the undecorated network add
command above) for local nodes.
Now you can replace --network standalone
with --network testnet
(or whatever you named it) in all your commands that need a network, like the deploy
and invoke
commands shown above.
You can also develop your Soroban contracts against the Futurenet network. You may choose this if you want to test more bleeding-edge features that haven't made it to the Testnet yet. Running your own Futurenet node works just like running a Testnet node, as described above.
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8000:8000 \
--name stellar \
stellar/quickstart:future \
--futurenet \
And you'll want to configure it for use with the --network
flag in Stellar CLI:
stellar network add futurenet \
--rpc-url "http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc" \
--network-passphrase "Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022"
Replace futurenet
in that command with the name of your choice, if you want to leave the name futurenet
available for use with a public RPC provider (see below). Or make clever use of --global
configs for public providers and local configs (made with the undecorated network add
command above) for local nodes.
Now you can replace --network standalone
with --network futurenet
(or whatever you named it) in all your commands that need a network, like the deploy
and invoke
commands shown above.
Deploy Your Own RPC Instance
We recommend the following ways to deploy your own RPC instance:
- Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm
- Run the stellar-rpc docker image directly
Hardware Requirements
For deployments expecting up to 1000 requests per second to Stellar RPC, we recommend at least 4GB of RAM and at least a dual core CPU with a 2.4GHz clock speed.
For deployments expecting 1000-10000+ requests per second to Stellar RPC, we recommend at least 8GB of RAM and at least a quad core CPU with a 2.4GHz clock speed.
For all deployments, we recommend at least 10GB of disk/storage space.
Node Type | CPU | RAM | Disk | AWS SKU | Google Cloud SKU |
Stellar RPC | 2 vCPU | 4-8 GB | 30 GB persistent volume >= 3K IOPS | c5.large | n4-highcpu-2 |
* Assuming a 7-day retention window for data storage.
Kubernetes With Helm
If your deployment environment includes Kubernetes infrastructure, this is the preferred way to deploy your RPC instance. Here’s what you need to do:
Install the Helm CLI tool (minimum version 3)
Add the Stellar repo to the helm client's list of repos, update it to the latest published versions
helm repo add stellar
helm repo update stellar
- Deploy the RPC instance to Kubernetes using our Helm chart:
helm install my-rpc stellar/stellar-rpc \
--namespace my-rpc-namespace-on-cluster \
--set global.image.sorobanRpc.tag=22.1.1 \
--set \
--set sorobanRpc.persistence.enabled=true \
--set sorobanRpc.persistence.storageClass=default \
--set sorobanRpc.resources.limits.cpu=1 \
--set sorobanRpc.resources.limits.memory=2560Mi
This example of Helm chart usage highlights some key aspects:
Set the
to a tag from the stellar-rpc dockerhub repo for the image version you want to run. Refer to the software versions page to find the correct tag for the Soroban release you are running. -
The RPC server stores a revolving window of recent data from network ledgers to disk. The size of that data varies depending on the network and its transaction volumes, but it has an estimated range between 10 to 100 MB. To ensure the RPC pod has consistent access to disk storage space and read/write throughput, this example demonstrates how to optionally enable the Helm chart deployment to use a
(PVC) of 100MB fromdefault
storage class on Kubernetes by enabling these persistence parameters:
--set sorobanRpc.persistence.enabled=true
--set sorobanRpc.persistence.storageClass=default
By default, this is disabled (sorobanRpc.persistence.enabled=false
) and the RPC deployment will use ephemeral pod storage via emptyDir
, which will likely be adequate for futurenet
and testnet
transaction volumes. However, it's worth highlighting the trade-off of not having storage limitations of the cluster enforced (likely below 100MB).
- Network presets are defined in
, which currently sets network configuration specific tofuturenet
. You can override this default and use other "canned"values.yaml
files which have been published for other networks. For example, there is avalues-testnet.yaml
file to configure the deployment of the RPC server with thetestnet
network. Include this--values
parameter in yourhelm install
to specify the desired network:
- Configuring RPC to use other custom networks can be accomplished by downloading the
locally and updating settings undersorobanRpc.sorobanRpcConfig
. This is applicable when connecting to specific networks other than the existing files likevalues.yaml
available, such as your own standalone network. Include the localvalues.yaml
inhelm install
--values my-custom-values.yaml
- Verify the
defaults in the target namespace in Kubernetes for deployment.LimitRange
is optional on the cluster config. If defined, ensure that the defaults provide at least minimum RPC server resource limits of2.5Gi
of memory and1
CPU. Otherwise, include the limits explicitly on thehelm install
command via thesorobanRpc.resources.limits.*
--set sorobanRpc.resources.limits.cpu=1
--set sorobanRpc.resources.limits.memory=2560Mi
Even if you're not deploying Stellar RPC using Kubernetes, the manifests generated by the charts may still be a good reference for showing how to configure and run Stellar RPC as a docker container. Just run the helm template
command to print the container configuration to screen:
helm template my-rpc stellar/stellar-rpc
Docker Image
If using Kubernetes is not an option, this is the preferred way to deploy your own RPC instance.
Although we have a Quickstart Image, it's for local development and testing only. It is not suitable for production-grade deployments.
Here's how to run the stellar-rpc docker image:
- Pull the image at the version you'd like to run from the tags:
docker pull stellar/stellar-rpc
- Create a configuration file for Stellar Core. Here is a sample configuration file for Testnet:
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
# Stellar Testnet Validators
HISTORY="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
HISTORY="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
HISTORY="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
- Create and mount a volume mount a volume on your container where the above configuration is stored. An example for Testnet:
If you are running locally on a macOS for instance, you could create a folder in your home directory: ~/test-rpc-config
cd ~
mkdir test-rpc-config
Then you would add the following config files to that local directory:
- soroban-rpc-config.toml
- stellar-captive-core.cfg
Then you would mount that volume using by adding the following parameter: -v /Users/<USERNAME>/test-rpc-config:/opt/stellar
to your docker run
Your running container would mount that volume at the path /opt/stellar
- Run the image
In that example, you could run the stellar/stellar-rpc
container with the following command:
docker run -p 8001:8001 -p 8000:8000 \
-v /Users/<USERNAME>/test-rpc-config:/opt/stellar stellar/stellar-rpc \
--captive-core-config-path=/opt/stellar/stellar-captive-core.cfg \
--captive-core-storage-path="/var/lib/stellar/captive-core" \
--db-path="/var/lib/stellar/soroban-rpc-db.sqlite" \
--stellar-captive-core-http-port=11626 \
--friendbot-url="" \
--network-passphrase="Test SDF Network ; September 2015" \
--history-archive-urls="" \
--admin-endpoint="" \
For production, we recommend running Stellar RPC with a TOML configuration file rather than CLI flags. This is similar to creating a configuration file for Stellar-Core as we did previously. For example, using our docker image:
docker run -p 8001:8001 -p 8000:8000 \
-v <CONFIG_FOLDER>:/config stellar/stellar-rpc \
--config-path <RPC_CONFIG_FILENAME>
You can use this Stellar RPC subcommand to generate a starter configuration file:
docker run stellar/stellar-rpc:latest gen-config-file > soroban-rpc-config.toml
The resulting configuration should look like this:
# Admin endpoint to listen and serve on. WARNING: this should not be accessible
# from the Internet and does not use TLS. "" (default) disables the admin server
# path to additional configuration for the Stellar Core configuration file used
# by captive core. It must, at least, include enough details to define a quorum
# set
# Storage location for Captive Core bucket data
# establishes how many ledgers exist between checkpoints, do NOT change this
# unless you really know what you are doing
# configures classic fee stats retention window expressed in number of ledgers
# SQLite DB path
DB_PATH = "soroban_rpc.sqlite"
# Default cap on the amount of events included in a single getEvents response
# Default cap on the amount of ledgers included in a single getLedgers response
# Default cap on the amount of transactions included in a single getTransactions
# response
# Endpoint to listen and serve on
ENDPOINT = "localhost:8000"
# The friendbot URL to be returned by getNetwork endpoint
# comma-separated list of stellar history archives to connect with
# configures history retention window for transactions and events, expressed in
# number of ledgers, the default value is 120960 which corresponds to about 7
# days of history
# Ingestion Timeout when bootstrapping data (checkpoint and in-memory
# initialization) and preparing ledger reads
# format used for output logs (json or text)
# LOG_FORMAT = "text"
# minimum log severity (debug, info, warn, error) to log
LOG_LEVEL = "info"
# Maximum amount of events allowed in a single getEvents response
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getEvents request. When
# that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the request's
# execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getFeeStats request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getHealth request. When
# that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the request's
# execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getLatestLedger request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getLedgers request. When
# that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the request's
# execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getLedgerEntries
# request. When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort
# the request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getNetwork request. When
# that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the request's
# execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getTransactions request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getTransaction request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a getVersionInfo request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# maximum ledger latency (i.e. time elapsed since the last known ledger closing
# time) considered to be healthy (used for the /health endpoint)
# Maximum amount of ledgers allowed in a single getLedgers response
# The max request execution duration is the predefined maximum duration of time
# allowed for processing a request. When that time elapses, the server would
# return 504 and abort the request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a sendTransaction request.
# When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort the
# request's execution
# The maximum duration of time allowed for processing a simulateTransaction
# request. When that time elapses, the rpc server would return -32001 and abort
# the request's execution
# Maximum amount of transactions allowed in a single getTransactions response
# Network passphrase of the Stellar network transactions should be signed for.
# Commonly used values are "Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022", "Test SDF
# Network ; September 2015" and "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015"
# Enable debug information in the simulate transaction response (provides more detailed errors). It
# should not be enabled in production deployments.
# Number of workers (read goroutines) used for the
# simulateTransaction endpoint. Defaults to the number of CPUs.
# Maximum number of outstanding requests for the simulateTransaction
# endpoint. Defaults to the number of CPUs.
# Maximum number of outstanding GetEvents requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetFeeStats requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetHealth requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetLatestsLedger requests
# Maximum number of outstanding getLedgers requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetLedgerEntries requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetNetwork requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetTransactions requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetTransaction requests
# Maximum number of outstanding GetVersionInfo requests
# Maximum number of outstanding requests
# Maximum number of outstanding SendTransaction requests
# Maximum number of outstanding SimulateTransaction requests
# The request execution warning threshold is the predetermined maximum duration
# of time that a request can take to be processed before a warning would be
# generated
# configures soroban inclusion fee stats retention window expressed in number of
# ledgers
# HTTP port for Captive Core to listen on (0 disables the HTTP server)
# path to stellar core binary
STELLAR_CORE_BINARY_PATH = "/usr/bin/stellar-core"
# Timeout used when submitting requests to stellar-core
# URL used to query Stellar Core (local captive core by default)
# Enable strict toml configuration file parsing. This will prevent unknown
# fields in the config toml from being parsed.
# STRICT = false
Note that the above generated configuration contains the default values and you need to substitute them with proper values to run the image.
Build From Source
Instructions for building Stellar RPC from source can be found here.
Use your Local RPC Instance
You can configure Stellar CLI to use your local remote RPC endpoint:
stellar network add --global local \
--rpc-url http://localhost:8000 \
--network-passphrase 'Standalone Network ; February 2017'
And fund your accounts/identities with the Friendbot:
curl "http://localhost:8000/friendbot/?addr=$(stellar keys address alice)"
See the tip above about command expansion (that's the note about $(...)
) if you're not using a bash-based shell.
When interacting with the network in production you should run your own stellar-rpc or use a third-party infrastructure provider.
Verify the RPC Instance
After installation, it will be worthwhile to verify the installation of Stellar RPC is healthy. There are two methods:
- Access the health status endpoint of the JSON RPC service using an HTTP client
- Use our pre-built System Test Docker image as a tool to run a set of live tests against Stellar RPC
Health Status Endpoint
If you send a JSON RPC HTTP request to your running instance of Stellar RPC:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
You should get back an HTTP 200 status response if the instance is healthy:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 2,
"result": {
"status": "healthy"
System Test Docker Image
This test will compile, deploy, and invoke example contracts to the network to which your RPC instance is connected to. Here is an example for verifying your instance if it is connected to Testnet:
docker run --rm -t --name e2e_test \ \
--VerboseOutput true \
--TargetNetworkRPCURL <your rpc url here> \
--TargetNetworkPassphrase "Test SDF Network ; September 2015" \
--TargetNetworkTestAccountSecret <your test account StrKey encoded key here > \
--TargetNetworkTestAccountPublic <your test account StrKey encoded pubkey here> \
--SorobanExamplesGitHash v22.0.1
Make sure you configure the system test correctly:
- Use a published system test tag that aligns with the deployed Stellar RPC release version. For each release, there will be two tags published for different CPU architectures. Make sure to use the tag that matches your host machine's CPU architecture:<release name>
for machines with AMD/Intel-based<release name>-arm64
for machines with ARM CPUs
- Set
to your RPC HTTP URL - Set
to the same network your RPC instance is connected to:"Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
for Testnet"Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022"
for Futurenet
- Set
to the corresponding release tag on the Soroban Examples repo - Create and fund an account to be used for test purposes on the same network your RPC instance is connected to
- This account needs a small XLM balance to submit Soroban transactions
- Tests can be run repeatedly with the same account
- Set
to theStrKey
encoded public key of the account - Set
to theStrKey
encoded secret for the account
Monitor the RPC Instance
If you run Stellar RPC with the --admin-endpoint
configured and expose the port, you'll have access to the Prometheus metrics via the /metrics
endpoint. For example, if the admin endpoint is
and you're running the Stellar RPC Docker image:
curl localhost:8001/metrics
You will see many of the default Go and Process metrics (prefixed by go_
and process_
respectively) such as memory usage, CPU usage, number of threads, etc.
We also expose metrics related to Stellar RPC (prefixed by soroban_rpc
). There are many, but some notable ones are:
- count of transactions ingested with a sliding window of 10msoroban_rpc_events_count
- count of events ingested with a sliding window of 10msoroban_rpc_ingest_local_latest_ledger
- latest ledger ingestedsoroban_rpc_db_round_trip_time_seconds
- time required to runSELECT 1
query in the DATABASE
Stellar RPC also provides logging to console for:
- Startup activity
- Ingesting, applying, and closing ledgers
- Handling JSON RPC requests
- Any errors
The logs have the format:
time=<timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z format> level=<debug|info|error> msg=<Actual message> pid=<process ID> subservice=<optional if coming from subservice>