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Analytics Overview

Learn about analytics and analytics providers on the Stellar network


Hubble is an open-source, read-only BigQuery data warehouse maintained by SDF that provides a complete historical record of the Stellar network, ideal for large-scale analysis of transactions, fees, and network trends. It is not suitable for real-time data needs or simple lookups, and its documentation focuses on exploratory analysis, connection methods, and query optimization. By offering a structured and query-ready dataset, Hubble enables users to explore Stellar network data without managing raw data pipelines.

Within Hubble, the stellar-etl product powers the extraction and transformation of Stellar network data into BigQuery. This open-source pipeline allows developers to extend or customize data ingestion workflows based on their analytical needs. Stellar-etl provides flexibility in how data is processed, enabling users to extract specific ledger entries, operations, or event logs based on their requirements.

Data Analytics Providers

Data Analytics Providers provide a complete historical record of Pubnet Stellar network data for analysis and insights. These platforms enable users to explore network trends but are not designed for real-time data access or transaction execution. The key difference is that these ecosystem platforms operate independently of SDF and provide metrics and dashboards about the Stellar network.