OpenZeppelin Stellar Contracts
To bring battle-tested smart contracts to the Stellar developer community, OpenZeppelin is activley contributing towards a library of smart contracts and extensions, as well as developer tooling.
Getting Started with Contract Wizard
OpenZeppelin's Contract Wizard includes support for Stellar’s Rust-based smart contracts, making it easier for developers to generate and deploy secure, audited contracts.Developers can leverage pre-built contract templates for:
- Fungible Tokens (FTs)
- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
- Multi-Token Standard
- Security Token Standard
- RWA Token Standard
- Token Vault Standard
- And more coming soon
These implementations will be released throughout the year, ensuring that Stellar developers have access to secure and extensible contract options. All contracts and extensions are audited by OpenZeppelin’s security team, providing security and reliability.
To get start, visit:
For a walk through on using these contracts, see:
OpenZeppelin Stellar Contracts and Utilities
OpenZeppelin Stellar Contracts is a collection of audited contracts and utilities for Stellar. The contracts are developed by OpenZeppelin in collaboration with the Stellar community and the Stellar Development Foundation, in effort to bring a library of high-quality and audited contracts that could be used to build applications on the Stellar network.
To use the library, please go to:
Repository Structure
│── contracts/
│ ├── token/ # Various token types (fungible, non-fungible, etc.)
│ ├── utils/ # Utilities for token types (pausable, upgradable, etc.)
│── examples/ # Example contracts
│── docs/ # Documentation
│── audits/ # Audit reports
To provide feedback, please open issues here:
Docs for OpenZeppelin Stellar Contracts
For additional docs on Stellar Smart Contract by OpenZeppelin, please visit: