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Contract SDKs

Contract SDKs are used to build smart contracts that will be deployed to the Stellar network.


For Client and XDR SDKs, visit this page.

The Rust SDK is maintained by SDF. The AssemblyScript SDK is maintained by dedicated community developers. All SDKs are open-source; file a GitHub issue or pull request in the specific SDK repository if you have questions or suggestions.

Each SDK has its own source code and documentation. Learn how to use a specific SDK by referring to the documentation.

Soroban Rust SDK

Rust SDK | Docs

The soroban-sdk Rust crate contains the Soroban Rust SDK for building smart contracts for Stellar.

Report issues and share feedback about the soroban-sdk here.

Add soroban-sdk as a dependency by using to find the version of the most recent SDK release.

Add the following sections to the Cargo.toml to import the soroban-sdk and replace $VERSION with the released version.

soroban-sdk = $VERSION

soroban-sdk = { version = $VERSION, features = ["testutils"] }

AssemblyScript SDK

AssemblyScript SDK

The as-soroban-sdk is an open source SDK that supports writing programs for the Soroban smart contract platform by using the AssemblyScript programming language.

The AssemblyScript Soroban SDK is maintained by dedicated community developer, Soneso. Report issues and share feedback here.