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Type Conversions

A collection of guides for converting from one data type to another in a variety of SDK languages.

Guides in this category:

State Archival

Restore a contract using the JavaScript SDK

Restore archived contract data using the JavaScript SDK

Soroban CLI

Deploy a Contract from Installed Wasm Bytecode

Deploy the Stellar Asset Contract for a Stellar Asset

Extend a deployed contract instance's TTL

Extend a deployed contract's storage entry TTL

Extend a deployed contract's Wasm code TTL

Install and Deploy a Smart Contract

Install Wasm Bytecode

Restore an archived contract using the Soroban CLI

Restore archived contract data using the Soroban CLI


Organize contract errors with an error enum type

Upgrade the Wasm bytecode of a deployed contract

Write metadata for your contract.

Dapp Development

Use Docker to build and run dapps

Initialize a dapp using scripts

Create a frontend for your dapp using React


Ingest events published from a contract

Publish events from a Rust contract

Freighter Wallet

Connect to the Testnet

Enable Soroban tokens

Integrate Freighter with a React dapp

As a dapp developer, prompt Freighter to sign transactions

Send Soroban token payments

Sign authorization entries

Sign Soroban XDRs


Generate ledger key parameters with a symbol key using the Python SDK

Retrieve a contract code ledger entry using the JavaScript SDK

Retrieve a contract code ledger entry using the Python SDK


Use instance storage in a contract

Use persistent storage in a contract

Use temporary storage in a contract


Implement basic tests for a contract

Test authorized contract invocations


Invoke a contract function in a Stellar transaction using JavaScript

Submit a transaction to Soroban RPC using the JavaScript SDK