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Convert a ScVal to other type

Soroban Contract Value (ScVal) is a custom type defined within the Soroban runtime environment that represents other data types such as strings, bytes, and more complex structures used within smart contracts in a format that that the soroban runtime can process, store and retrieve efficiently.

ScVal to bytesN

const StellarSdk = require("@stellar/stellar-sdk");

/* Convert ScVal to bytes */
const bytesFromScVal = StellarSdk.scVal.bytes();
  • .bytes() converts an ScVal value to bytes.
  • scVal is the ScVal value to be converted to bytes.

ScVal to address

const StellarSdk = require("@stellar/stellar-sdk");

const addressFromScVal = StellarSdk.Address.fromScVal(scVal);
  • StellarSdk.Address.fromScVal() converts an ScVal value to an address.
  • scVal is the ScVal value to be converted to an address.

ScVal to String

const StellarSdk = require("@stellar/stellar-sdk");

const stringFromScVal = scVal.toString("utf-8");

scVal.toString() converts an ScVal value to a string. scVal is the ScVal value to be converted to a string. utf-8 is the encoding format for the string.