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Submit a transaction to Stellar RPC using the JavaScript SDK

Here is a simple, rudimentary looping mechanism to submit a transaction to Stellar RPC and wait for a result.

import { Transaction, FeeBumpTransaction } from "@stellar/stellar-sdk";
import { Server, Api } from "@stellar/stellar-sdk/rpc";

const RPC_SERVER = "";
const server = new Server(RPC_SERVER);

// Submits a tx and then polls for its status until a timeout is reached.
async function submitTx(
tx: Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction,
): Promise<Api.GetTransactionResponse> {
return server
.then(async (reply) => {
if (reply.status !== "PENDING") {
throw reply;

return server.pollTransaction(reply.hash, {
sleepStrategy: (_iter: number) => 500,
attempts: 5,
.then((finalStatus) => {
switch (finalStatus.status) {
case Api.GetTransactionStatus.FAILED:
case Api.GetTransactionStatus.NOT_FOUND:
throw tmpStatus;
case Api.GetTransactionStatus.SUCCESS:
return status;

Remember: You should always handle errors gracefully! This is a fail-hard and fail-fast approach that should only be used in these examples.