Initialize a dapp using scripts
When setting up an example Soroban Dapp, correct initialization is crucial. This process entails several steps, including deploying Docker, cloning and deploying smart contracts, and invoking functions to configure them. In this comprehensive guide, you will walk you through the necessary steps to successfully build and deploy these smart contracts, ensuring a seamless setup for your Soroban Dapp.
Building and Deploying the Soroban Token Smart Contract
In dapps like the Example Payment Dapp, the Soroban Token smart contracts are used to represent the tokenized asset that users can send and receive. Here is an example of how to build and deploy the Soroban Token smart contracts:
Start by cloning the Soroban examples repository:
git clone
Then, navigate to the token
cd soroban-examples/token
At this point you can build the smart contract:
This action will compile the smart contracts and place them in the token/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release
After building, you're ready to deploy the smart contracts to Futurenet. To do this, open a terminal in the soroban-examples/token
directory and execute the following:
stellar contract deploy \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_token_contract.wasm \
--rpc-url \
--network-passphrase 'Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022'
This command deploys the smart contracts to Futurenet using the stellar contract deploy
Initializing a Token Contract
With the contracts deployed, it's time to initialize the token contract:
stellar contract invoke \
--source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
--rpc-url \
--network-passphrase 'Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022' \
-- initialize \
--admin <ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY> \
--decimal 7 \
--name '44656d6f20546f6b656e' \
--symbol '"4454"'
This command requires certain inputs:
Administrator Account: This is the public key of the administrator account. The administrator has control and authority over the token contract, enabling management of various contract functionalities. Learn more about the administrator's role from the Soroban Token Interface.
Decimal Precision: The decimal precision value of 7 specifies that the token can support transactions up to 7 decimal places. This precision level enables flexibility when transferring token amounts.
Token Name: The token's name, represented as a hex-encoded string. In this case, '44656d6f20546f6b656e' corresponds to "Demo Token".
Token Symbol: This is the token's symbol, also represented as a hex string. '4454' translates to the symbol "DT".
Minting Tokens
Lastly, you need to mint some tokens to the sender's account:
stellar contract invoke \
--source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
--rpc-url \
--network-passphrase 'Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022' \
-- mint \
--amount 1000000000
This command will mint 100 tokens to the designated user's account.
By following these steps, you ensure that the Soroban token smart contracts are correctly deployed and initialized, setting the stage for the Dapp to effectively interact with the token.
For a deeper dive into Stellar CLI commands, check out the Stellar CLI repo.
Automating Initialization with Scripts
To streamline the initialization process, you can use a script. This script should automate various tasks such as setting up the network, wrapping Stellar assets, generating token-admin identities, funding the token-admin account, building and deploying the contracts, and initializing them with necessary parameters.
Here's an example initializer script:
set -e
# If stellar-cli is called inside the soroban-preview docker container,
# it can call the stellar standalone container just using its name "stellar"
if [[ "$IS_USING_DOCKER" == "true" ]]; then
case "$1" in
echo "Using standalone network"
SOROBAN_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Standalone Network ; February 2017"
echo "Using Futurenet network"
SOROBAN_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022"
echo "Using Testnet network"
SOROBAN_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
echo "Usage: $0 standalone|futurenet|testnet"
exit 1
echo Add the $NETWORK network to cli client
stellar network add \
--rpc-url "$SOROBAN_RPC_URL" \
if !(stellar keys ls | grep token-admin 2>&1 >/dev/null); then
echo Create the token-admin identity
stellar keys generate token-admin
TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET="$(stellar keys show token-admin)"
TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS="$(stellar keys address token-admin)"
# TODO: Remove this once we can use `stellar keys` from webpack.
mkdir -p .soroban-example-dapp
echo "$TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET" > .soroban-example-dapp/token_admin_secret
echo "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" > .soroban-example-dapp/token_admin_address
# This will fail if the account already exists, but it'll still be fine.
echo Fund token-admin account from friendbot
curl --silent -X POST "$FRIENDBOT_URL?addr=$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" >/dev/null
ARGS="--network $NETWORK --source token-admin"
echo Deploy the Stellar asset contract
TOKEN_ID=$(stellar contract asset deploy $ARGS --asset "EXT:$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS")
echo "Token deployed successfully with TOKEN_ID: $TOKEN_ID"
# TODO - remove this workaround when
# is resolved.
TOKEN_ADDRESS="$(node ./address_workaround.js $TOKEN_ID)"
echo "Token Address converted to StrKey contract address format:" $TOKEN_ADDRESS
echo -n "$TOKEN_ID" > .soroban-example-dapp/token_id
echo Build the crowdfund contract
make build
echo Deploy the crowdfund contract
stellar contract deploy $ARGS \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_crowdfund_contract.wasm
echo "Contract deployed successfully with ID: $CROWDFUND_ID"
echo "$CROWDFUND_ID" > .soroban-example-dapp/crowdfund_id
echo "Initialize the crowdfund contract"
deadline="$(($(date +"%s") + 86400))"
stellar contract invoke \
--id "$CROWDFUND_ID" \
-- \
initialize \
--recipient "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" \
--deadline "$deadline" \
--target_amount "1000000000" \
--token "$TOKEN_ADDRESS"
echo "Done"
Here's a summary of what the
script does:
- Identifies the network (standalone or futurenet) based on user input
- Determines the Soroban RPC host URL depending on its execution environment (either inside the soroban-preview Docker container or locally)
- Sets the Soroban RPC URL based on the previously determined host URL
- Sets the Soroban network passphrase and Friendbot URL depending on the chosen network
- Adds the network configuration using
stellar network add
- Generates a token-admin identity using
stellar keys generate
- Fetches the TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET and TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS from the newly generated identity
- Saves the TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET and TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS in the .soroban directory
- Funds the token-admin account using Friendbot
- Deploy the Stellar asset contract with
stellar contract asset deploy
and stores the resulting TOKEN_ID - Builds the crowdfund contract with
make build
and deploys it usingstellar contract deploy
, storing the returned CROWDFUND_ID - Initializes the crowdfund contract by invoking the initialize function with necessary parameters
- Prints "Done" to signify the end of the initialization process
By leveraging automated initialization, you can streamline the setup process for your Soroban Dapp, ensuring it is correctly deployed and initialized.
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