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Update Organization Profile



Updates the organization profile details. Only account owners have permission to do this. Note: both fields are optional but at least one should be sent in the request. It is not necessary to set the header Content-Type for this request. It is set automatically by the HTTP client.



    logo binary

    The logo of the organization, file type must be png or jpeg.

    data json

    A JSON string that contains the details to update. Contains the following keys: organization_name (string): the new name of the organization, timezone_utc_offset (string): the new timezone offset of the organization, is_approval_required (boolean): whether the approval workflow is enabled or not. receiver_registration_message_template (string): the message template sent to the receivers inviting them to registration. Sending this field empty sets the default value for it. otp_message_template (string): the message template sent to the receivers sending the OTP to complete the registration flow. Sending this field empty sets the default value for it. For example: '{"organization_name": "NewOrgName", "timezone_utc_offset": "+02:00", "is_approval_required": true, "receiver_registration_message_template": "You have a payment waiting for you from {{.OrganizationName}}. Click {{.RegistrationLink}} to register.", "otp_message_template": "{{.OTP}} is your {{.OrganizationName}} phone verification code."}'




    message stringrequired