Endpoints related to receivers. A receiver is an individual receiving a payment in a disbursement. The receiver is tracked by phone number to reduce the need for personally identifiable information. Each receiver must be unique within the disbursement.
Each receiver will have at least one wallet associated with them. The wallet public key will remain null until the receiver registers with a wallet provider and links the wallet to the SDP through SEP-24. Receivers must verify their identity through that process, which requires the SDP to store verification information on receivers like date of birth, national ID number, or personal PIN. This information can be updated by the organization through the receiver endpoints.
📄️ List All Receivers
Returns all receivers matching the request criteria. This endpoint supports pagination and filtering on receiver status, receiver attributes, and timestamp. Each payment has details on the receiver, high-level payments metrics, and wallets associated with the receiver.
📄️ Retrieve a Receiver
Fetches detailed information on a specific receiver by `id `, including all associated wallets.
📄️ Update a Receiver
This endpoint allows an organization to add and update information on the receiver, including email address, external ID, date of birth, personal PIN, and national ID number. The response includes all information on the receiver.