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Version: 2.11.0

Stellar Info File

Let's enable applications to learn more about your service by hosting a stellar.toml file at a standardized URL path. This file allows applications to find information about your business, the assets your services utilize, as well as the root URL paths for these services. We can host this file using the Anchor Platform.

Let's create a file called dev.stellar.toml file using the contents below as a starting point. For the full set of attributes, see the SEP-1 specification.

# dev.stellar.toml
ACCOUNTS = ["add your public keys for your distribution accounts here"]
SIGNING_KEY = "add your signing key here"
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Test SDF Network ; September 2015"

ORG_NAME = "Your organization"
ORG_URL = "Your website"
ORG_DESCRIPTION = "A description of your organization"

Note that you'll need to create another file for your production deployment that uses the public network's passphrase, your production service URLs, your Mainnet distribution accounts and signing key, as well as the Mainnet issuing accounts of the assets your service utilizes.

In your dev.env file, specify the following.

# dev.env

This will tell the Anchor Platform that it should host the file specified by SEP1_TOML_VALUE at ./well-known/stellar.toml.

Alternatively, your stellar.toml file could be hosted using a proper static file server like nginx. As long as your info file includes the appropriate URLs pointing to the Anchor Platform, this will work just fine.