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Modify a Stellar Info File

Next, let's modify the stellar.toml file created earlier. Wallets need to know that SEP-6 functionality is supported by your business, and they also need to know all the currencies you support.

# dev.stellar.toml
ACCOUNTS = ["add your public keys for your distribution accounts here"]
SIGNING_KEY = "add your signing key here"
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Test SDF Network ; September 2015"

TRANSFER_SERVER = "http://localhost:8080/sep6"
WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8080/auth"

# Add support for USDC
code = "USDC"
status = "test"
is_asset_anchored = false
desc = "USD Coin issued by Circle"

ORG_NAME = "Your organization"
ORG_URL = "Your website"
ORG_DESCRIPTION = "A description of your organization"

Note that you will need to create another file for your production deployment that uses the public network's passphrase, your production service URLs, your Mainnet distribution accounts and signing key, as well as the Mainnet issuing accounts of the assets your service utilizes.

Enable Programmatic Deposits & Withdrawals

Now you're ready to enable programmatic deposits and withdrawals using the SEP-6 API. Specify the following in your dev.assets.yaml file, and change the values depending on your use case. This example asset file enables support for Circle's USDC and a fiat USD to deposit from and withdraw to. The methods specified in the deposit and withdraw sections are the methods that will be exposed by the GET /info SEP-6 endpoint under the type field in the case of deposit and types field in the case of withdraw.

- schema: stellar
code: USDC
significant_decimals: 2
sep6_enabled: true
enabled: true
- cash
enabled: true
- bank_account
- cash
- schema: iso4217
code: USD
significant_decimals: 2

The information provided for the assets value closely maps to the information that will be exposed to the wallet application using the GET /info SEP-6 endpoint. The Anchor Platform also uses this information to validate requests made to your service.

Test With the Demo Wallet

Wallets should now be able to discover, authenticate, and initiate transactions with your service! Your project and source files should now look something like this.

├── dev.env
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── config
│ ├── dev.assets.yaml
│ ├── dev.stellar.toml

Your environment should now look like the following.

# dev.env


SECRET_SEP10_SIGNING_SEED="a Stellar private key"
SECRET_SEP10_JWT_SECRET="a secret encryption key"

To test this out, go to the Stellar Demo Wallet.

Initiate a deposit transaction by doing the following:

  • Create a new keypair
  • Click the "Add Asset" button and enter
    • the code of the Stellar asset on your stellar.toml file
    • your home domain, localhost:8080
  • Select the dropdown and click "SEP-6 Deposit", then click "Start"

The demo wallet should be able to find your stellar.toml file, authenticate using the Stellar keypair you just created, and initiate a transaction.