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NameDescriptionData TypeDomain ValuesPrimary Key?Natural Key?Partition or Cluster Field?Required?Notes
ledger_keyThe unique ledger key when the trust line state last changedstringYes
account_idThe account addressstringYesclusterYes
asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.integercredit_alphanum4 credit_alphanum12 nativeYesYes
asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the asset held by this accountstringYesNo
asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset held by this accountstringYesNo
liquidity_pool_idIf the asset held is part of a liquidity pool share, the unique pool id from which the asset balance originatesstringYesclusterNo
balanceThe number of units of an asset held by this accountfloatYes
trust_line_limitsThe maximum amount of this asset that this account is willing to accept. The limit is specified when opening a trust lineintegerYes
buying_liabilitiesThe sum of all buy offers owned by this account for non-native assetsfloatYes
selling_liabilitiesThe sum of all sell offers owned by this account for non-native assetsfloatYes
flagsDenotes the enabling and disabling of certain asset issuer privilegesinteger0 - None, Default 1 - Authorized (issuer has authorized account to perform transaction with its credit) 2 - Authorized to Maintain Liabilities (issuer has authorized account to maintain and reduce liabilities for its credit) 4 - Clawback Enabled (issuer has specified that it may clawback its credit, including claimable balances)YesFlags are set on the issuer accounts for an asset. When user accounts trust an asset, the flags applied to the asset originate from this account
last_modified_ledgerThe ledger sequence number when the ledger entry (this unique signer for the account) was modified. Deletions do not count as a modification and will report the prior modification sequence numberintegerYesclusterYes
ledger_entry_changeCode that describes the ledger entry change type that was applied to the ledger entry.integer0 - Ledger Entry Created 1 - Ledger Entry Updated 2 - Ledger Entry Deleted 3 - Ledger Entry State (value of the entry)YesYesValid entry change types are 0, 1, and 2 for ledger entries of type `trust_lines`.
deletedIndicates whether the ledger entry (trust line) has been deleted or not. Once an entry is deleted, it cannot be recovered.booleanYes
batch_idString representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of "scheduled__<batch_end_date>-<dag_alias>". Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilitiesstringYes
batch_run_dateThe start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed. The batch run date can be seen as a proxy of closed_at for a ledger.datetimeMONTH partitionYesThe table is partitioned on batch_run_date. It is recommended to always include the batch_run_date in the filter if possible to help reduce query cost.
batch_insert_tsThe timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database. This field can help identify if a batch executed in real time or as part of a backfilltimestampYes
sponsorThe account address that is sponsoring the base reserves for the trust line.stringNo
asset_idUnique identifier for asset_code, asset_issuerintegerNo