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History Effects

NameDescriptionData TypeDomain ValuesPrimary Key?Natural Key?Partition or Cluster Field?Required?Notes
addressThe address of the account. The address is the account's public key encoded in base32. All account addresses start with a `G`stringcluster
address_muxedAddress multiplexedstring
operation_idUnique identifier for an operationintegercluster
typeThe number indicating which type of effectintegercluster
type_stringThe string indicating which type of effectstring
detailsUnstructured JSON object that contains details based on the type of effect. Each effect will return its own relevant details, with the rest of the details as nullrecord
details.liquidity_poolLiquidity pools provide a simple, non-interactive way to trade large amounts of capital and enable high volumes of tradingrecord
details.liquidity_pool.fee_bpThe number of basis points charged as a percentage of the trade in order to complete the transaction. The fees earned on all trades are divided amongst pool shareholders and distributed as an incentive to keep money in the poolsinteger
details.liquidity_pool.idUnique identifier for a liquidity pool. There cannot be duplicate pools for the same asset pair. Once a pool has been created for the asset pair, another cannot be created.string
details.liquidity_pool.total_sharesTotal number of pool shares issuednumeric
details.liquidity_pool.total_trustlinesNumber of trustlines for the associated pool sharesinteger
details.liquidity_pool.typeThe mechanism that calculates pricing and division of shares for the pool. With the initial AMM rollout, the only type of liquidity pool allowed to be created is a constant product pool.string
details.liquidity_pool.reservesReserved asset in liquidity poolrecord
details.liquidity_pool.reserves.assetReserve assetstring
details.liquidity_pool.reserves.amountReserve asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_receivedAsset amount received for reserves from liquidity pool withdrawrecord
details.reserves_received.assetRecieved assetstring
details.reserves_received.amountRecieved asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_depositedAsset amount deposited for reserves from liquidity pool depositrecord
details.reserves_deposited.assetDeposited assetstring
details.reserves_deposited.amountDeposited asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_revokedAsset amount revoked for reserves from liquidity pool revokerecord
details.reserves_revoked.assetRevoked assetstring
details.reserves_revoked.amountRevoked asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_revoked.claimable_balance_idClaimable balance idstring
details.boughtAsset bought from traderecord
details.bought.assetAsset boughtstring
details.bought.amountAsset amount boughtnumeric
details.soldAsset sold from traderecord
details.sold.assetAsset soldstring
details.sold.amountAsset amount soldnumeric
details.shares_revokedShares revoked from liquidity pool revokenumeric
details.shares_receivedShares received from liquidity pool depositnumeric
details.shares_redeemedShares redeemed from liquidity pool withrdawnumeric
details.liquidity_pool_idUnique identifier for a liquidity poolstring
details.balance_idThe unique identifier of the claimable balance. The id is comprised of 8 character type code + SHA-256 hash of the history operation id that created the balance. The balance id can be joined back to the `claimable_balances` table to gather more details about the balancestring
details.new_seqNew sequence number after bump sequenceinteger
details.nameThe manage data operation allows an account to write and store data directly on the ledger in a key value pair format. The name is the key for a data entry.string
details.valueValue of data from manage data effectstring
details.trustorAccount address of trustorstring
details.limitThe upper bound amount of an asset that an account can holdnumeric
details.inflation_destinationInflation destination account idstring
details.authorized_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_immutable_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.authorized_to_maintain_liabilitesAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_revocable_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_required_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.claimable_balance_clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.high_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the high threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.med_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the medium threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.low_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the low threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.home_domainThe home domain used for the stellar.toml file discoverystring
details.asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.assetAsset on networkstring
details.asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.signerThe address of the account that is allowed to authorize (sign) transactions for another account. This process is called multi-sigstring
details.sponsorThe account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.new_sponsorThe new account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.former_sponsorThe former account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.weightSigner weightinteger
details.public_keySigner public keystring
details.amountAsset amountnumeric
details.starting_balanceAccount asset starting balancenumeric
details.sellerSelling accountstring
details.seller_muxedAccount multiplexedstring
details.seller_muxed_idAccount multiplexed idinteger
details.offer_idThe unique id for the offer. This id can be joined with the `offers` tableinteger
details.sold_amountAmount of asset soldnumeric
details.sold_asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.sold_asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.sold_asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.bought_asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.bought_asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.bought_asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.bought_amountAmount of asset boughtnumeric
details.data_nameLedger entry data namestring
details.predicateThe condition which must be satisfied so the destination can claim the balance. The predicate can include logical rules using AND, OR and NOT logic.record
details.predicate.abs_beforeDeadline for when the balance must be claimed. If a balance is claimed before the date then the clause of the condition is satisfied.string
details.predicate.rel_beforeA relative deadline for when the claimable balance can be claimed. The value represents the number of seconds since the close time of the ledger which created the claimable balance #### Notes: This condition is useful when creating a timebounds based on creation conditions. If the creator wanted a balance only claimable one week after creation, this condition would satisfy that rule.integer
details.predicate.unconditionalIf true it means this clause of the condition is always satisfied. #### Notes: When the predicate is only unconditional = true, it means that the balance can be claimed under any conditionsboolean
details.predicate.abs_before_epochA UNIX epoch value in seconds representing the same deadline date as abs_before.integer
batch_idString representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of scheduled__<batch_end_date>-<dag_alias>. Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilitiesstring
batch_run_dateThe start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed. The batch run date can be seen as a proxy of closed_at for a ledger.datetimeMONTH partition
batch_insert_tsThe timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database. This field can help identify if a batch executed in real time or as part of a backfilltimestamp

Table Metadata

Natural Key(s)id
Partition Field(s)batch_run_date (MONTH partition)
Clustered Field(s)address, operation_id, type
Documentationdbt docs

Column Details

NameDescriptionData TypeDomain ValuesRequired?Notes
idThis unique effect id is the concatenation of the operation id and the effect indexstringYes
indexThe index of the effect within the transaction. This index helps to order effects that result from the same transaction, indicating the sequence in which they occurred.integerYes
closed_atTimestamp in UTC when this ledger closed and committed to the network. Ledgers are expected to close ~every 5 secondstimestampYes
ledger_sequenceThe sequence number of this ledger. It represents the order of the ledger within the Stellar blockchain. Each ledger has a unique sequence number that increments with every new ledger, ensuring that ledgers are processed in the correct order.integerYes
addressThe address of the account. The address is the account's public key encoded in base32. All account addresses start with a Gstring
address_muxedAddress multiplexedstring
operation_idUnique identifier for an operationinteger
typeThe number indicating which type of effectinteger
type_stringThe string indicating which type of effectstring
detailsUnstructured JSON object that contains details based on the type of effect. Each effect will return its own relevant details, with the rest of the details as nullrecord
details.liquidity_poolLiquidity pools provide a simple, non-interactive way to trade large amounts of capital and enable high volumes of tradingrecord
details.liquidity_pool.fee_bpThe number of basis points charged as a percentage of the trade in order to complete the transaction. The fees earned on all trades are divided amongst pool shareholders and distributed as an incentive to keep money in the poolsinteger
details.liquidity_pool.idUnique identifier for a liquidity pool. There cannot be duplicate pools for the same asset pair. Once a pool has been created for the asset pair, another cannot be created.string
details.liquidity_pool.total_sharesTotal number of pool shares issuednumeric
details.liquidity_pool.total_trustlinesNumber of trustlines for the associated pool sharesinteger
details.liquidity_pool.typeThe mechanism that calculates pricing and division of shares for the pool. With the initial AMM rollout, the only type of liquidity pool allowed to be created is a constant product pool.string
details.liquidity_pool.reservesReserved asset in liquidity poolrecord
details.liquidity_pool.reserves.assetReserve assetstring
details.liquidity_pool.reserves.amountReserve asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_receivedAsset amount received for reserves from liquidity pool withdrawrecord
details.reserves_received.assetReceived assetstring
details.reserves_received.amountReceived asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_depositedAsset amount deposited for reserves from liquidity pool depositrecord
details.reserves_deposited.assetDeposited assetstring
details.reserves_deposited.amountDeposited asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_revokedAsset amount revoked for reserves from liquidity pool revokerecord
details.reserves_revoked.assetRevoked assetstring
details.reserves_revoked.amountRevoked asset amountnumeric
details.reserves_revoked.claimable_balance_idClaimable balance idstring
details.boughtAsset bought from traderecord
details.bought.assetAsset boughtstring
details.bought.amountAsset amount boughtnumeric
details.soldAsset sold from traderecord
details.sold.assetAsset soldstring
details.sold.amountAsset amount soldnumeric
details.shares_revokedShares revoked from liquidity pool revokenumeric
details.shares_receivedShares received from liquidity pool depositnumeric
details.shares_redeemedShares redeemed from liquidity pool withdrawnumeric
details.liquidity_pool_idUnique identifier for a liquidity poolstring
details.balance_idThe unique identifier of the claimable balance. The id is comprised of 8 character type code + SHA-256 hash of the history operation id that created the balance. The balance id can be joined back to the claimable_balances table to gather more details about the balancestring
details.new_seqNew sequence number after bump sequenceinteger
details.nameThe manage data operation allows an account to write and store data directly on the ledger in a key value pair format. The name is the key for a data entry.string
details.valueValue of data from manage data effectstring
details.trustorAccount address of trustorstring
details.limitThe upper bound amount of an asset that an account can holdnumeric
details.inflation_destinationInflation destination account idstring
details.authorized_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_immutable_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.authorized_to_maintain_liabilitiesAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_revocable_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_required_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.auth_clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.claimable_balance_clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.clawback_enabled_flagAuth value for set trustline flagsboolean
details.high_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the high threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.med_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the medium threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.low_thresholdThe sum of the weight of all signatures that sign a transaction for the low threshold operation. The weight must exceed the set threshold for the operation to succeed.integer
details.home_domainThe home domain used for the stellar.toml file discoverystring
details.asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.assetAsset on networkstring
details.asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be an alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.signerThe address of the account that is allowed to authorize (sign) transactions for another account. This process is called multi-sigstring
details.sponsorThe account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.new_sponsorThe new account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.former_sponsorThe former account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signerstring
details.weightSigner weightinteger
details.public_keySigner public keystring
details.amountAsset amountnumeric
details.starting_balanceAccount asset starting balancenumeric
details.sellerSelling accountstring
details.seller_muxedAccount multiplexedstring
details.seller_muxed_idAccount multiplexed idinteger
details.offer_idThe unique id for the offer. This id can be joined with the offers tableinteger
details.sold_amountAmount of asset soldnumeric
details.sold_asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be an alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.sold_asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.sold_asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.bought_asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be an alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.string
details.bought_asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstring
details.bought_asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstring
details.bought_amountAmount of asset boughtnumeric
details.data_nameLedger entry data namestring
details.predicateThe condition which must be satisfied so the destination can claim the balance. The predicate can include logical rules using AND, OR and NOT logic.record
batch_idString representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of "scheduled__<batch_end_date>-<dag_alias>". Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilitiesstring
batch_run_dateThe start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed.datetime
batch_insert_tsThe timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database.timestamp
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