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Table Metadata

Natural Key(s)account_id, asset_type, asset_issuer, asset_code, liquidity_pool_id, closed_at
Partition Field(s)batch_run_date (MONTH partition)
Clustered Field(s)account_id, asset_id, liquidity_pool_id, last_modified_ledger
Documentationdbt docs

Column Details

NameDescriptionData TypeDomain ValuesRequired?Notes
ledger_keyThe unique ledger key when the trust line state last changedstringYes
account_idThe account addressstringYes
asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.integer
  • credit_alphanum4
  • credit_alphanum12
  • native
asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the asset held by this accountstringNo
asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset held by this accountstringNo
liquidity_pool_idIf the asset held is part of a liquidity pool share, the unique pool id from which the asset balance originatesstringNo
balanceThe number of units of an asset held by this accountfloatYes
trust_line_limitThe maximum amount of this asset that this account is willing to accept. The limit is specified when opening a trust lineintegerYes
buying_liabilitiesThe sum of all buy offers owned by this account for non-native assetsfloatYes
selling_liabilitiesThe sum of all sell offers owned by this account for non-native assetsfloatYes
flagsDenotes the enabling and disabling of certain asset issuer privilegesinteger
  • 0 - None, Default
  • 1 - Authorized
  • 2 - Authorized to Maintain Liabilities
  • 4 - Clawback Enabled
YesFlags are set on the issuer accounts for an asset. When user accounts trust an asset, the flags applied to the asset originate from this account
last_modified_ledgerThe ledger sequence number when the ledger entry (this unique signer for the account) was modifiedintegerYes
ledger_entry_changeCode that describes the ledger entry change type that was applied to the ledger entryinteger
  • 0 - Ledger Entry Created
  • 1 - Ledger Entry Updated
  • 2 - Ledger Entry Deleted
  • 3 - Ledger Entry State
YesValid entry change types are 0, 1, and 2 for ledger entries of type trust_lines.
deletedIndicates whether the ledger entry (trust line) has been deleted or not. Once an entry is deleted, it cannot be recoveredbooleanYes
closed_atTimestamp in UTC when this ledger closed and committed to the network. Ledgers are expected to close ~every 5 secondstimestampYes
ledger_sequenceThe sequence number of this ledger. It represents the order of the ledger within the Stellar blockchain. Each ledger has a unique sequence number that increments with every new ledger, ensuring that ledgers are processed in the correct order.integerYes
batch_idString representation of the run id for a given DAG in AirflowstringYes
batch_run_dateThe start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processeddatetimeYesThe table is partitioned on batch_run_date. It is recommended to always include the batch_run_date in the filter if possible to help reduce query cost.
batch_insert_tsThe timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the databasetimestampYes
sponsorThe account address that is sponsoring the base reserves for the trust linestringNo
asset_idUnique identifier for asset_code, asset_issuerintegerNo
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