transaction_hash | A hex-encoded SHA-256 hash of this transaction's XDR-encoded form | string | | | |
transaction_id | The transaction identifier in which the operation executed. There can be up to 100 operations in a given transaction | integer | | Yes | |
successful | Indicates if this transaction was successful or not | boolean | | No | A transaction's success does not indicate whether it was included and written to a ledger. It only indicates whether the operations in the transaction were successfully applied to mutate the ledger state. |
in_successful_contract_call | Indicates whether or not the event is in a successful contract call | boolean | | Yes | |
contract_id | | string | | | |
type | The numeric event type | integer | 0, 1, 2 | Yes | |
type_string | The string event type | string | ContractEventTypeSystem, ContractEventTypeDiagnostic, ContractEventTypeContract | Yes | |
topics | The topics part of an event contains identifying information and metadata for the event and generally what the event signifies. For example, for SAC this could be a "transfer" event signifying token value movement. The values within topics are base64 encoded XDR | json | | Yes | |
topics_decoded | Decoded, human readable version of the event topic | json | | Yes | |
data | The data part of an event is an object that contains the value(s) significant to an event. For example, for SAC this could be the "amount" of the token movement from a "transfer" event. The values within topics are base64 encoded XDR | json | | Yes | |
data_decoded | Decoded, human readable version of the event data object | json | | Yes | |
contract_event_xdr | The base64 encoded XDR of the event | string | | Yes | |
batch_id | String representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of "scheduled__[batch_end_date]-[dag_alias]". Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilities | string | | Yes | |
batch_run_date | The start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed. The batch run date can be seen as a proxy of closed_at for a ledger. | datetime | | Yes | |
batch_insert_ts | The timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database. This field can help identify if a batch executed in real time or as part of a backfill | timestamp | | Yes | |
closed_at | Timestamp in UTC when this ledger closed and committed to the network. Ledgers are expected to close ~every 5 seconds | timestamp | | Yes | |
ledger_sequence | The sequence number of the ledger that this transaction was included in | integer | | Yes | |