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History Assets

NameDescriptionData TypeDomain ValuesPrimary Key?Natural Key?Partition or Cluster Field?Required?Notes
idUnique identifier for the asset code, type and issuer combination. This is not a primary key on the tablefloatYesYes
asset_typeThe identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM.stringcredit_alphanum4 credit_alphanum12 nativeYesclusterYesXLM is the native asset to the network. XLM has no asset code or issuer representation and will instead be displayed with an asset type of 'native'
asset_codeThe 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the networkstringYesclusterNoAsset codes have no guarantees of uniqueness. The combination of asset code, issuer and type represents a distinct asset
asset_issuerThe account address of the original asset issuer that created the assetstringYesclusterNo
batch_idString representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of "scheduled__<batch_end_date>-<dag_alias>". Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilitiesstringYesYes
batch_run_dateThe start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed. The batch run date can be seen as a proxy of closed_at for a ledger.datetimeMONTH partitionYesThe table is partitioned on batch_run_date. It is recommended to always include the batch_run_date in the filter if possible to help reduce query cost.
batch_insert_tsThe timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database. This field can help identify if a batch executed in real time or as part of a backfilltimestampYes
asset_idUnique identifier for asset_code, asset_issuerintegerNo