balance_id | A unique identifier for this claimable balance. The Balance id is a compilation of `Balance Type` + `SHA-256 hash history_operation_id` | string | | | Yes | | Yes | The Balance Type is fixed at V0, `00000000`. If there is a protocol change that materially impacts the mechanics of claimable balances, the balance type would update to V1. |
claimants | The list of entries which are eligible to claim the balance and preconditions that must be fulfilled to claim | array[record] | | | | | Yes | Multiple accounts can be specified in the claimants record, including the account of the balance creator. |
claimants.destination | The account id who can claim the balance | string | | | | | Yes | |
claimants.predicate | The condition which must be satisfied so the destination can claim the balance. The predicate can include logical rules using AND, OR and NOT logic. | array[record] | | | | | Yes | |
claimants.predicate.unconditional | If true it means this clause of the condition is always satisfied | boolean | | | | | No | When the predicate is only unconditional = true, it means that the balance can be claimed under any conditions |
claimants.predicate.abs_before | Deadline for when the balance must be claimed. If a balance is claimed before the date then the clause of the condition is satisfied. | string | | | | | No | |
claimants.predicate.rel_before | A relative deadline for when the claimable balance can be claimed. The value represents the number of seconds since the close time of the ledger which created the claimable balance | integer | | | | | No | This condition is useful when creating a timebounds based on creation conditions. If the creator wanted a balance only claimable one week after creation, this condition would satisfy that rule. |
claimants.predicate.abs_before_epoch | A UNIX epoch value in seconds representing the same deadline date as abs_before. | integer | | | | | No | |
asset_type | The identifier for type of asset code, can be a alphanumeric with 4 characters, 12 characters or the native asset to the network, XLM. | string | credit_alphanum4 credit_alphanum12 native | | | | Yes | |
asset_code | The 4 or 12 character code representation of the asset on the network | string | | | | | No | |
asset_issuer | The address of the account that created the asset | string | | | | | No | |
asset_amount | The amount of the asset that can be claimed | float | | | | | Yes | |
sponsor | The account address of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this claimable balance | string | | | | | No | Sponsors of claimable balances are the creators of the balance. |
flags | Denotes the enabling and disabling of certain balance issuer privileges | integer | 0 - None, Default 1 - Auth Clawback Enabled | | | | Yes | Flags are set by the claimable balance accounts for an asset. When user accounts claim a balance, the flags applied to the asset originate from this account |
last_modified_ledger | The ledger sequence number when the ledger entry (this unique signer for the account) was modified. Deletions do not count as a modification and will report the prior modification sequence number | integer | | | Yes | cluster | Yes | |
ledger_entry_change | Code that describes the ledger entry change type that was applied to the ledger entry. | integer | 0 - Ledger Entry Created 1 - Ledger Entry Updated 2 - Ledger Entry Deleted 3 - Ledger Entry State (value of the entry) | | Yes | | Yes | Valid entry change types are 0, and 2 for ledger entries of type `claimable_balances`. Once created, a balance cannot be updated. |
deleted | Indicates whether the ledger entry (balance id) has been deleted or not. Once an entry is deleted, it cannot be recovered. | boolean | | | | | Yes | |
batch_id | String representation of the run id for a given DAG in Airflow. Takes the form of "scheduled__<batch_end_date>-<dag_alias>". Batch ids are unique to the batch and help with monitoring and rerun capabilities | string | | | | | Yes | |
batch_run_date | The start date for the batch interval. When taken with the date in the batch_id, the date represents the interval of ledgers processed. The batch run date can be seen as a proxy of closed_at for a ledger. | datetime | | | | MONTH partition | Yes | The table is partitioned on batch_run_date. It is recommended to always include the batch_run_date in the filter if possible to help reduce query cost. |
batch_insert_ts | The timestamp in UTC when a batch of records was inserted into the database. This field can help identify if a batch executed in real time or as part of a backfill | timestamp | | | | | Yes | |
asset_id | Unique identifier for asset_code, asset_issuer | integer | | | | cluster | No | |