Invocar una función de contrato en una transacción Stellar utilizando SDKs
Este es un ejemplo simple que utiliza el SDK de Stellar para crear, simular y luego ensamblar una transacción Stellar que invoca una función increment
del contrato de ejemplo auth.
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
Por favor, dirígete a la página de inicio del proyecto del SDK de JavaScript para aprender cómo instalarlo.
(async () => {
const {
} = require("@stellar/stellar-sdk");
// The source account will be used to sign and send the transaction.
const sourceKeypair = Keypair.fromSecret(
// Configure SorobanClient to use the `stellar-rpc` instance of your
// choosing.
const server = new SorobanRpc.Server(
// Here we will use a deployed instance of the `increment` example contract.
const contractAddress =
const contract = new Contract(contractAddress);
// Transactions require a valid sequence number (which varies from one
// account to another). We fetch this sequence number from the RPC server.
const sourceAccount = await server.getAccount(sourceKeypair.publicKey());
// The transaction begins as pretty standard. The source account, minimum
// fee, and network passphrase are provided.
let builtTransaction = new TransactionBuilder(sourceAccount, {
fee: BASE_FEE,
networkPassphrase: Networks.TESTNET,
// The invocation of the `increment` function of our contract is added
// to the transaction.
nativeToScVal(5, { type: "u32" }),
// This transaction will be valid for the next 30 seconds
// We use the RPC server to "prepare" the transaction. This simulating the
// transaction, discovering the storage footprint, and updating the
// transaction to include that footprint. If you know the footprint ahead of
// time, you could manually use `addFootprint` and skip this step.
let preparedTransaction = await server.prepareTransaction(builtTransaction);
// Sign the transaction with the source account's keypair.
// Let's see the base64-encoded XDR of the transaction we just built.
`Signed prepared transaction XDR: ${preparedTransaction
// Submit the transaction to the Stellar-RPC server. The RPC server will
// then submit the transaction into the network for us. Then we will have to
// wait, polling `getTransaction` until the transaction completes.
try {
let sendResponse = await server.sendTransaction(preparedTransaction);
console.log(`Sent transaction: ${JSON.stringify(sendResponse)}`);
if (sendResponse.status === "PENDING") {
let getResponse = await server.getTransaction(sendResponse.hash);
// Poll `getTransaction` until the status is not "NOT_FOUND"
while (getResponse.status === "NOT_FOUND") {
console.log("Waiting for transaction confirmation...");
// See if the transaction is complete
getResponse = await server.getTransaction(sendResponse.hash);
// Wait one second
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
console.log(`getTransaction response: ${JSON.stringify(getResponse)}`);
if (getResponse.status === "SUCCESS") {
// Make sure the transaction's resultMetaXDR is not empty
if (!getResponse.resultMetaXdr) {
throw "Empty resultMetaXDR in getTransaction response";
// Find the return value from the contract and return it
let transactionMeta = getResponse.resultMetaXdr;
let returnValue = transactionMeta.v3().sorobanMeta().returnValue();
console.log(`Transaction result: ${returnValue.value()}`);
} else {
throw `Transaction failed: ${getResponse.resultXdr}`;
} else {
throw sendResponse.errorResultXdr;
} catch (err) {
// Catch and report any errors we've thrown
console.log("Sending transaction failed");
Por favor, dirígete a la página de inicio del proyecto del SDK de Python para aprender cómo instalarlo.
Además, Python proporciona mucho código de ejemplo, que puedes encontrar aquí.
import time
from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Network, SorobanServer, TransactionBuilder, scval
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.exceptions import PrepareTransactionException
from stellar_sdk.soroban_rpc import GetTransactionStatus, SendTransactionStatus
rpc_server_url = ""
network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
# Here we will use a deployed instance of the `increment` example contract.
# The source account will be used to sign and send the transaction.
source_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(secret)
# Configure SorobanClient to use the `stellar-rpc` instance of your choosing.
soroban_server = SorobanServer(rpc_server_url)
# Transactions require a valid sequence number (which varies from one account to another).
# We fetch this sequence number from the RPC server.
source = soroban_server.load_account(source_keypair.public_key)
tx = (
# The transaction begins as pretty standard. The source account, minimum fee,
# and network passphrase are provided.
TransactionBuilder(source, network_passphrase, base_fee=100)
# This transaction will be valid for the next 30 seconds
# The invocation of the `increment` function of our contract is added to the transaction.
parameters=[scval.to_address(source_keypair.public_key), scval.to_uint32(5)],
print(f"builtTransaction: {tx.to_xdr()}")
# We use the RPC server to "prepare" the transaction. This simulating the
# transaction, discovering the soroban data, and updating the
# transaction to include that soroban data. If you know the soroban data ahead of
# time, you could manually use `set_soroban_data` and skip this step.
tx = soroban_server.prepare_transaction(tx)
except PrepareTransactionException as e:
print(f"Prepare Transaction Failed: {e.simulate_transaction_response}")
raise e
# Sign the transaction with the source account's keypair.
# Let's see the base64-encoded XDR of the transaction we just built.
print(f"Signed prepared transaction XDR: {tx.to_xdr()}")
# Submit the transaction to the Stellar-RPC server. The RPC server will
# then submit the transaction into the network for us. Then we will have to
# wait, polling `get_transaction` until the transaction completes.
send_transaction_data = soroban_server.send_transaction(tx)
print(f"Sent transaction: {send_transaction_data}")
if send_transaction_data.status != SendTransactionStatus.PENDING:
raise Exception("Send transaction failed")
while True:
print("Waiting for transaction to be confirmed...")
# Poll `get_transaction` until the status is not "NOT_FOUND"
get_transaction_data = soroban_server.get_transaction(send_transaction_data.hash)
if get_transaction_data.status != GetTransactionStatus.NOT_FOUND:
print(f"getTransaction response: {get_transaction_data}")
if get_transaction_data.status == GetTransactionStatus.SUCCESS:
# The transaction was successful, so we can extract the `result_meta_xdr`
transaction_meta = stellar_xdr.TransactionMeta.from_xdr(
result = transaction_meta.v3.soroban_meta.return_value
# Find the return value from the contract and return it
print(f"Transaction result: {scval.from_uint32(result)}")
# The transaction failed, so we can extract the `result_xdr`
print(f"Transaction failed: {get_transaction_data.result_xdr}")
raise Exception("Transaction failed")
Por favor, dirígete a la página de inicio del proyecto del SDK de Java para aprender cómo instalarlo.
import org.stellar.sdk.AccountNotFoundException;
import org.stellar.sdk.InvokeHostFunctionOperation;
import org.stellar.sdk.KeyPair;
import org.stellar.sdk.Network;
import org.stellar.sdk.PrepareTransactionException;
import org.stellar.sdk.SorobanServer;
import org.stellar.sdk.Transaction;
import org.stellar.sdk.TransactionBuilder;
import org.stellar.sdk.TransactionBuilderAccount;
import org.stellar.sdk.requests.sorobanrpc.SorobanRpcErrorResponse;
import org.stellar.sdk.responses.sorobanrpc.GetTransactionResponse;
import org.stellar.sdk.responses.sorobanrpc.SendTransactionResponse;
import org.stellar.sdk.scval.Scv;
import org.stellar.sdk.xdr.SCVal;
import org.stellar.sdk.xdr.TransactionMeta;
import java.util.List;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws SorobanRpcErrorResponse, IOException, InterruptedException {
// The source account will be used to sign and send the transaction.
KeyPair sourceKeypair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed("SAAPYAPTTRZMCUZFPG3G66V4ZMHTK4TWA6NS7U4F7Z3IMUD52EK4DDEV");
// Configure SorobanClient to use the `stellar-rpc` instance of your choosing.
SorobanServer sorobanServer = new SorobanServer("");
// Here we will use a deployed instance of the `increment` example contract.
// Transactions require a valid sequence number (which varies from one account to
// another). We fetch this sequence number from the RPC server.
TransactionBuilderAccount sourceAccount = null;
try {
sourceAccount = sorobanServer.getAccount(sourceKeypair.getAccountId());
} catch (AccountNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Account not found, please activate it first");
// The invocation of the `increment` function.
InvokeHostFunctionOperation operation = InvokeHostFunctionOperation.invokeContractFunctionOperationBuilder(contractAddress, "increment",
// Create a transaction with the source account and the operation we want to invoke.
Transaction transaction = new TransactionBuilder(sourceAccount, Network.TESTNET)
.addOperation(operation) // The invocation of the `increment` function of our contract is added to the transaction.
.setTimeout(30) // This transaction will be valid for the next 30 seconds
.setBaseFee(100) // The base fee is 100 stroops (0.00001 XLM)
// We use the RPC server to "prepare" the transaction. This simulating the
// transaction, discovering the soroban data, and updating the
// transaction to include that soroban data. If you know the soroban data ahead of
// time, you could manually use `setSorobanData` and skip this step.
try {
transaction = sorobanServer.prepareTransaction(transaction);
} catch (PrepareTransactionException e) {
// You should handle the error here
System.out.println("Prepare Transaction Failed: " + e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Sign the transaction with the source account's keypair.
// Let's see the base64-encoded XDR of the transaction we just built.
System.out.println("Signed prepared transaction XDR: " + transaction.toEnvelopeXdrBase64());
// Submit the transaction to the Stellar-RPC server. The RPC server will then
// submit the transaction into the network for us. Then we will have to wait,
// polling `getTransaction` until the transaction completes.
SendTransactionResponse response = sorobanServer.sendTransaction(transaction);
if (!SendTransactionResponse.SendTransactionStatus.PENDING.equals(response.getStatus())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Sending transaction failed");
// Poll `getTransaction` until the status is not "NOT_FOUND"
GetTransactionResponse getTransactionResponse;
while (true) {
System.out.println("Waiting for transaction confirmation...");
// See if the transaction is complete
getTransactionResponse = sorobanServer.getTransaction(response.getHash());
if (!GetTransactionResponse.GetTransactionStatus.NOT_FOUND.equals(getTransactionResponse.getStatus())) {
// Wait one second
System.out.println("Get transaction response: " + getTransactionResponse);
if (GetTransactionResponse.GetTransactionStatus.SUCCESS.equals(getTransactionResponse.getStatus())) {
// The transaction was successful, so we can extract the `resultMetaXdr`
TransactionMeta transactionMeta = TransactionMeta.fromXdrBase64(getTransactionResponse.getResultMetaXdr());
SCVal result = transactionMeta.getV3().getSorobanMeta().getReturnValue();
long parsedResult = Scv.fromUint32(result);
System.out.println("Transaction result: " + parsedResult);
} else {
// The transaction failed, so we can extract the `resultXdr`
System.out.println("Transaction failed: " + getTransactionResponse.getResultXdr());
Guías en esta categoría:
📄️ Instalar y desplegar un contrato inteligente con código
Instalar y desplegar un contrato inteligente con código
📄️ Instalar WebAssembly (Wasm) bytecode usando código
Instalar el Wasm del contrato usando js-stellar-sdk
📄️ Invocar una función de contrato en una transacción Stellar utilizando SDKs
Usar el SDK de Stellar para crear, simular y ensamblar una transacción
📄️ guía del método RPC simulateTransaction
guía de ejemplos y tutoriales de simulateTransaction
📄️ Enviar una transacción a Stellar RPC utilizando el SDK de JavaScript
Usar un mecanismo de bucle para enviar una transacción a la RPC