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The auth example demonstrates how to implement authentication and authorization using the Soroban Host-managed auth framework.

This example is an extension of the storing data example.

Open in Gitpod

Run the Example

First go through the Setup process to get your development environment configured, then clone the v22.0.1 tag of soroban-examples repository:

git clone -b v22.0.1

Or, skip the development environment setup and open this example in Gitpod.

To run the tests for the example, navigate to the auth directory, and use cargo test.

cd auth
cargo test

You should see the output:

running 1 test
test test::test ... ok


pub enum DataKey {

pub struct IncrementContract;

impl IncrementContract {
/// Increment increments a counter for the user, and returns the value.
pub fn increment(env: Env, user: Address, value: u32) -> u32 {
// Requires `user` to have authorized call of the `increment` of this
// contract with all the arguments passed to `increment`, i.e. `user`
// and `value`. This will panic if auth fails for any reason.
// When this is called, Soroban host performs the necessary
// authentication, manages replay prevention and enforces the user's
// authorization policies.
// The contracts normally shouldn't worry about these details and just
// write code in generic fashion using `Address` and `require_auth` (or
// `require_auth_for_args`).

// This call is equilvalent to the above:
// user.require_auth_for_args((&user, value).into_val(&env));

// The following has less arguments but is equivalent in authorization
// scope to the above calls (the user address doesn't have to be
// included in args as it's guaranteed to be authenticated).
// user.require_auth_for_args((value,).into_val(&env));

// Construct a key for the data being stored. Use an enum to set the
// contract up well for adding other types of data to be stored.
let key = DataKey::Counter(user.clone());

// Get the current count for the invoker.
let mut count: u32 =;

// Increment the count.
count += value;

// Save the count., &count);

// Return the count to the caller.


How it Works

The example contract stores a per-Address counter that can only be incremented by the owner of that Address.

Open the auth/src/ file or see the code above to follow along.


pub enum DataKey {

Address is a universal Soroban identifier that may represent a Stellar account, a contract or an 'account contract' (a contract that defines a custom authentication scheme and authorization policies). Contracts don't need to distinguish between these internal representations though. Address can be used any time some network identity needs to be represented, like to distinguish between counters for different users in this example.

Enum keys like DataKey are useful for organizing contract storage.

Different enum values create different key 'namespaces'.

In the example the counter for each address is stored against DataKey::Counter(Address). If the contract needs to start storing other types of data, it can do so by adding additional variants to the enum.


impl IncrementContract {
pub fn increment(env: Env, user: Address, value: u32) -> u32 {

require_auth method can be called for any Address. Semantically user.require_auth() here means 'require user to have authorized calling increment function of the current IncrementContract instance with the current call arguments, i.e. the current user and value argument values'. In simpler terms, this ensures that the user has allowed incrementing their counter value and nobody else can increment it.

When using require_auth the contract implementation doesn't need to worry about the signatures, authentication, and replay prevention. All these features are implemented by the Soroban host and happen automatically as long as the Address type is used.

Address has another method called require_auth_for_args. It works in the same fashion as require_auth, but allows customizing the arguments that need to be authorized. Note though, this should be used with care to ensure that there is a deterministic mapping between the contract invocation arguments and the require_auth_for_args arguments.

The following two calls are functionally equivalent to user.require_auth:

// Completely equivalent
user.require_auth_for_args((&user, value).into_val(&env));
// The following has less arguments but is equivalent in authorization
// scope to the above call (the user address doesn't have to be
// included in args as it's guaranteed to be authenticated).


Open the auth/src/ file to follow along.

fn test() {
let env = Env::default();

let contract_id = env.register(IncrementContract, {});
let client = IncrementContractClient::new(&env, &contract_id);

let user_1 = Address::random(&env);
let user_2 = Address::random(&env);

assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &5), 5);
// Verify that the user indeed had to authorize a call of `increment` with
// the expected arguments:
// Address for which auth is performed
// Identifier of the called contract
// Name of the called function
// Arguments used to call `increment` (converted to the env-managed vector via `into_val`)
(user_1.clone(), 5_u32).into_val(&env)

// Do more `increment` calls. It's not necessary to verify authorizations
// for every one of them as we don't expect the auth logic to change from
// call to call.
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &2), 7);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_2, &1), 1);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &3), 10);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_2, &4), 5);

In any test the first thing that is always required is an Env, which is the Soroban environment that the contract will run in.

let env = Env::default();

The test instructs the environment to mock all auths. All calls to require_auth or require_auth_for_args will succeed.


The contract is registered with the environment using the contract type.

let contract_id = env.register(IncrementContract, {});

All public functions within an impl block that is annotated with the #[contractimpl] attribute have a corresponding function generated in a generated client type. The client type will be named the same as the contract type with Client appended. For example, in our contract the contract type is IncrementContract, and the client is named IncrementContractClient.

let client = IncrementContractClient::new(&env, &contract_id);

Generate Addresses for two users. Normally the exact value of the Address shouldn't matter for testing, so they're simply generated randomly.

let user_1 = Address::random(&env);
let user_2 = Address::random(&env);

Invoke increment function for user_1.

assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &5), 5);

In order to verify that the require_auth call(s) have indeed happened, use auths function that returns a vector of tuples containing the authorizations from the most recent contract invocation.

// Address for which auth is performed
// Identifier of the called contract
// Name of the called function
// Arguments used to call `increment` (converted to the env-managed vector via `into_val`)
(user_1.clone(), 5_u32).into_val(&env)

Invoke increment function several more times for both users. Notice, that the values are tracked separately for each users.

assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &2), 7);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_2, &1), 1);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_1, &3), 10);
assert_eq!(client.increment(&user_2, &4), 5);

Build the Contract

To build the contract into a .wasm file, use the stellar contract build command.

stellar contract build

The .wasm file should be found in the target directory after building:


Run the Contract

If you have stellar-cli installed, you can invoke functions on the contract.

But since we are dealing with authorization and signatures, we need to set up some identities to use for testing and get their public keys:

stellar keys generate acc1
stellar keys generate acc2
stellar keys address acc1
stellar keys address acc2

Example output with two public keys of identities:


Now the contract itself can be invoked. Notice the --source must be the identity name matching the address passed to the --user argument. This allows Stellar CLI to automatically sign the necessary payload for the invocation.

stellar contract invoke \
--source acc1 \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_auth_contract.wasm \
--id 1 \
-- \
increment \
--value 2

Run a few more increments for both accounts.

stellar contract invoke \
--source acc2 \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_auth_contract.wasm \
--id 1 \
-- \
increment \
--value 5
stellar contract invoke \
--source acc1 \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_auth_contract.wasm \
--id 1 \
-- \
increment \
--value 3
stellar contract invoke \
--source acc2 \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_auth_contract.wasm \
--id 1 \
-- \
increment \
--value 10

View the data that has been stored against each user with stellar contract read.

stellar contract read --id 1

It is also possible to preview the authorization payload that is being signed by providing --auth flag to the invocation:

stellar contract invoke \
--source acc2 \
--auth \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_auth_contract.wasm \
--id 1 \
-- \
increment \
--value 123
Contract auth: [{"address_with_nonce":null,"root_invocation":{"contract_id":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001","function_name":"increment","args":[{"object":{"address":{"account":{"public_key_type_ed25519":"c7bab0288753d58d3e21cc3fa68cd2546b5f78ae6635a6f1b3fe07e03ee846e9"}}}},{"u32":123}],"sub_invocations":[]},"signature_args":[]}]

Further reading

Authorization documentation provides more details on how Soroban auth framework works.

Timelock and Single Offer examples demonstrate authorizing token operations on behalf of the user, which can be extended to any nested contract invocations.

Atomic Swap example demonstrates multi-party authorization where multiple users sign their parts of the contract invocation.

Custom Account example for demonstrates an account contract that defines a custom authentication scheme and user-defined authorization policies.