Usar __check_auth de maneras interesantes
Tutorial 1: restricción basada en tiempo en transferencias de tokens
Imagina un contrato de cuenta multi-firma donde ciertas acciones, como transferir tokens, deben ser controladas por el tiempo transcurrido entre transferencias consecutivas. Por ejemplo, una transferencia de tokens solo debería permitirse si ha pasado un cierto período de tiempo desde la última transferencia. Esto puede ser útil en escenarios donde deseas limitar la frecuencia de las transacciones para prevenir el mal uso o implementar límites de tasa.
Conceptos básicos
Restricciones basadas en tiempo
La idea es hacer cumplir un intervalo de tiempo mínimo entre transferencias de tokens consecutivas. Cada token puede tener su propio límite de tiempo, y el contrato rastreará el tiempo de la última transferencia para cada token.
Almacenamiento de datos
El contrato almacenará el límite de tiempo y el tiempo de la última transferencia para cada token en su almacenamiento para mantener un registro de estos valores a través de las transacciones.
Revisión del código
Estructura del contrato e importaciones
use soroban_sdk::{
auth::{Context, CustomAccountInterface}, contract, contracterror, contractimpl, contracttype, symbol_short, Address,
BytesN, Env, Symbol, Vec,
struct AccountContract;
pub struct Signature {
pub public_key: BytesN<32>,
pub signature: BytesN<64>,
enum DataKey {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum AccError {
NotEnoughSigners = 1,
NegativeAmount = 2,
BadSignatureOrder = 3,
UnknownSigner = 4,
InvalidContext = 5,
TimeLimitExceeded = 6,
const TRANSFER_FN: Symbol = symbol_short!("transfer");
Inicialización del contrato
- Inicializa el contrato con una lista de las claves públicas de los firmantes
- Almacena el conteo de firmantes en el almacenamiento del contrato
impl AccountContract {
pub fn init(env: Env, signers: Vec<BytesN<32>>) {
for signer in signers.iter() {, &());
.set(&DataKey::SignerCnt, &signers.len());
Establecer límites de tiempo
- Permite establecer un límite de tiempo para un token específico
- Asegura que solo el contrato mismo pueda establecer estos límites al requerir la autorización del contrato
impl AccountContract {
pub fn set_time(env: Env, token: Address, time_limit: u64) {
.set(&DataKey::TimeLimit(token), &time_limit);
Autenticación y autorización personalizadas
- Autentica las firmas
- Verifica si todos los firmantes requeridos han firmado
- Itera a través del contexto de autorización para verificar la política de autorización
impl CustomAccountInterface for AccountContract {
type Error = AccError;
type Signature = Vec<Signature>;
fn __check_auth(
env: Env,
signature_payload: BytesN<32>,
signatures: Vec<Signature>,
auth_context: Vec<Context>,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
authenticate(&env, &signature_payload, &signatures)?;
let tot_signers: u32 = env
.get::<_, u32>(&DataKey::SignerCnt)
let all_signed = tot_signers == signatures.len();
let curr_contract = env.current_contract_address();
for context in auth_context.iter() {
Lógica de autenticación
- Verifica que las firmas estén en el orden correcto y que cada firmante esté autorizado
- Usa la función ed25519_verify para verificar cada firma
fn authenticate(
env: &Env,
signature_payload: &BytesN<32>,
signatures: &Vec<Signature>,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
for i in 0..signatures.len() {
let signature = signatures.get_unchecked(i);
if i > 0 {
let prev_signature = signatures.get_unchecked(i - 1);
if prev_signature.public_key >= signature.public_key {
return Err(AccError::BadSignatureOrder);
if !env
return Err(AccError::UnknownSigner);
Verificación de la política de autorización
- Verifica si la función que se está llamando es una función de transferencia o de aprobación
- Forzar la restricción basada en tiempo comparando el tiempo actual con el tiempo de la última transferencia
- Actualiza el tiempo de la última transferencia si se permite la transferencia
fn verify_authorization_policy(
env: &Env,
context: &Context,
curr_contract: &Address,
all_signed: bool,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
let contract_context = match context {
Context::Contract(c) => {
if &c.contract == curr_contract {
if !all_signed {
return Err(AccError::NotEnoughSigners);
Context::CreateContractHostFn(_) => return Err(AccError::InvalidContext),
if contract_context.fn_name != TRANSFER_FN
&& contract_context.fn_name != Symbol::new(env, "approve")
return Ok(());
let current_time = env.ledger().timestamp();
let time_limit: Option<u64> =
.get::<_, u64>(&DataKey::TimeLimit(contract_context.contract.clone()));
if let Some(limit) = time_limit {
let last_transfer_time: u64 =
.get::<_, u64>(&DataKey::LastTransferTime(contract_context.contract.clone()))
if current_time - last_transfer_time < limit {
return Err(AccError::TimeLimitExceeded);
.set(&DataKey::LastTransferTime(contract_context.contract.clone()), ¤t_time);
El contrato comienza inicializándose con un conjunto de firmantes autorizados. Permite establecer un límite de tiempo para transferencias de tokens, que controla con qué frecuencia un token puede ser transferido. La función __check_auth es el núcleo del proceso de autorización, asegurando que todas las firmas necesarias sean válidas y verificando la restricción basada en tiempo para transferencias de tokens. Si el tiempo requerido no ha pasado desde la última transferencia, el contrato negará la operación, haciendo cumplir el límite de tasa deseado. Al rastrear el tiempo de la última transferencia y hacer cumplir un intervalo mínimo de tiempo entre transferencias, el contrato limita efectivamente la frecuencia de las transferencias de tokens, resolviendo el problema del abuso potencial a través de transacciones consecutivas rápidas.
Código completo
Aquí están todos los fragmentos apilados juntos en un solo archivo para conveniencia:
use soroban_sdk::{
auth::{Context, CustomAccountInterface}, contract, contracterror, contractimpl, contracttype, symbol_short, Address,
BytesN, Env, Symbol, Vec,
struct AccountContract;
pub struct Signature {
pub public_key: BytesN<32>,
pub signature: BytesN<64>,
enum DataKey {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum AccError {
NotEnoughSigners = 1,
NegativeAmount = 2,
BadSignatureOrder = 3,
UnknownSigner = 4,
InvalidContext = 5,
TimeLimitExceeded = 6,
const TRANSFER_FN: Symbol = symbol_short!("transfer");
impl AccountContract {
pub fn init(env: Env, signers: Vec<BytesN<32>>) {
for signer in signers.iter() {, &());
.set(&DataKey::SignerCnt, &signers.len());
pub fn set_time(env: Env, token: Address, time_limit: u64) {
.set(&DataKey::TimeLimit(token), &time_limit);
impl CustomAccountInterface for AccountContract {
type Error = AccError;
type Signature = Vec<Signature>;
fn __check_auth(
env: Env,
signature_payload: BytesN<32>,
signatures: Vec<Signature>,
auth_context: Vec<Context>,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
authenticate(&env, &signature_payload, &signatures)?;
let tot_signers: u32 = env
.get::<_, u32>(&DataKey::SignerCnt)
let all_signed = tot_signers == signatures.len();
let curr_contract = env.current_contract_address();
for context in auth_context.iter() {
fn authenticate(
env: &Env,
signature_payload: &BytesN<32>,
signatures: &Vec<Signature>,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
for i in 0..signatures.len() {
let signature = signatures.get_unchecked(i);
if i > 0 {
let prev_signature = signatures.get_unchecked(i - 1);
if prev_signature.public_key >= signature.public_key {
return Err(AccError::BadSignatureOrder);
if !env
return Err(AccError::UnknownSigner);
fn verify_authorization_policy(
env: &Env,
context: &Context,
curr_contract: &Address,
all_signed: bool,
) -> Result<(), AccError> {
let contract_context = match context {
Context::Contract(c) => {
if &c.contract == curr_contract {
if !all_signed {
return Err(AccError::NotEnoughSigners);
Context::CreateContractHostFn(_) => return Err(AccError::InvalidContext),
if contract_context.fn_name != TRANSFER_FN
&& contract_context.fn_name != Symbol::new(env, "approve")
return Ok(());
let current_time = env.ledger().timestamp();
let time_limit: Option<u64> =
.get::<_, u64>(&DataKey::TimeLimit(contract_context.contract.clone()));
if let Some(limit) = time_limit {
let last_transfer_time: u64 =
.get::<_, u64>(&DataKey::LastTransferTime(contract_context.contract.clone()))
if current_time - last_transfer_time < limit {
return Err(AccError::TimeLimitExceeded);
.set(&DataKey::LastTransferTime(contract_context.contract.clone()), ¤t_time);
mod test;
Estos son los casos de prueba:
extern crate std;
use ed25519_dalek::Keypair;
use ed25519_dalek::Signer;
use rand::thread_rng;
use soroban_sdk::auth::ContractContext;
use soroban_sdk::symbol_short;
use soroban_sdk::testutils::Address as _;
use soroban_sdk::testutils::AuthorizedFunction;
use soroban_sdk::testutils::AuthorizedInvocation;
use soroban_sdk::Val;
use soroban_sdk::{
auth::Context, testutils::BytesN as _, vec, Address, BytesN, Env, IntoVal, Symbol,
use soroban_sdk::testutils::Ledger;
use soroban_sdk::testutils::LedgerInfo;
use crate::AccError;
use crate::{AccountContract, AccountContractClient, Signature};
fn generate_keypair() -> Keypair {
Keypair::generate(&mut thread_rng())
fn signer_public_key(e: &Env, signer: &Keypair) -> BytesN<32> {
fn create_account_contract(e: &Env) -> AccountContractClient {
AccountContractClient::new(e, &e.register_contract(None, AccountContract {}))
fn sign(e: &Env, signer: &Keypair, payload: &BytesN<32>) -> Val {
Signature {
public_key: signer_public_key(e, signer),
signature: signer
fn token_auth_context(e: &Env, token_id: &Address, fn_name: Symbol, amount: i128) -> Context {
Context::Contract(ContractContext {
contract: token_id.clone(),
args: ((), (), amount).into_val(e),
fn test_token_auth() {
let env = Env::default();
let account_contract = create_account_contract(&env);
let mut signers = [generate_keypair(), generate_keypair()];
if signers[0].public.as_bytes() > signers[1].public.as_bytes() {
signers.swap(0, 1);
signer_public_key(&env, &signers[0]),
signer_public_key(&env, &signers[1]),
let payload = BytesN::random(&env);
let token = Address::generate(&env);
vec![&env, sign(&env, &signers[0], &payload)].into(),
token_auth_context(&env, &token, Symbol::new(&env, "transfer"), 1000),
vec![&env, sign(&env, &signers[0], &payload)].into(),
token_auth_context(&env, &token, Symbol::new(&env, "transfer"), 1000),
// Add a time limit of 1000 seconds for the token.
account_contract.set_time(&token, &1000);
AuthorizedInvocation {
function: AuthorizedFunction::Contract((
(token.clone(), 1000_u64).into_val(&env),
sub_invocations: std::vec![]
// Attempting a transfer within the time limit should fail.
env.ledger().set(LedgerInfo {
timestamp: 0,
protocol_version: 1,
sequence_number: 10,
network_id: Default::default(),
base_reserve: 10,
min_temp_entry_ttl: 16,
min_persistent_entry_ttl: 16,
max_entry_ttl: 100_000,
vec![&env, sign(&env, &signers[0], &payload)].into(),
token_auth_context(&env, &token, Symbol::new(&env, "transfer"), 1001)
.unwrap() == AccError::TimeLimitExceeded;
// Simulate passing of time to allow the next transfer.
env.ledger().set(LedgerInfo {
timestamp: 1000,
protocol_version: 1,
sequence_number: 10,
network_id: Default::default(),
base_reserve: 10,
min_temp_entry_ttl: 16,
min_persistent_entry_ttl: 16,
max_entry_ttl: 100_000,
vec![&env, sign(&env, &signers[0], &payload)].into(),
token_auth_context(&env, &token, Symbol::new(&env, "transfer"), 1001),
Tutorial 2: implementar una billetera inteligente (WebAuthn)
Imagina un mundo donde las contraseñas tradicionales son obsoletas. En este mundo, WebAuthn (Autenticación Web) se ha convertido en el estándar para interacciones en línea seguras. Alice, una entusiasta de blockchain, quiere crear una billetera que aproveche la tecnología WebAuthn para una mayor seguridad. Decide implementar una billetera WebAuthn en Stellar, permitiendo a los usuarios gestionar sus activos digitales utilizando las características biométricas de su dispositivo o claves de seguridad (por ejemplo, YubiKey, Google Titan Security Key, etc.).
Conceptos básicos
WebAuthn es un estándar web para autenticación sin contraseña. Permite a los usuarios autenticarse utilizando biometría (como huellas dactilares o reconocimiento facial).
La billetera WebAuthn implementada en este tutorial será capaz de:
- Registrar y gestionar credenciales de usuario (claves públicas)
- Autenticar a los usuarios para la firma de transacciones
- Diferenciar entre administradores y usuarios regulares
- Permitir actualizaciones de contrato para futuras mejoras
Revisión del código
Estructura del contrato e importaciones
Esta sección establece la estructura del contrato y importa los componentes necesarios del SDK de Soroban.
use soroban_sdk::{
auth::{Context, CustomAccountInterface},
contract, contracterror, contractimpl, contracttype,
panic_with_error, symbol_short, Bytes, BytesN, Env, FromVal, Symbol, Vec,
pub struct Contract;
Definiciones de errores
Esta enumeración define los posibles errores que pueden ocurrir durante la ejecución del contrato.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
NotFound = 1,
NotPermitted = 2,
ClientDataJsonChallengeIncorrect = 3,
Secp256r1PublicKeyParse = 4,
Secp256r1SignatureParse = 5,
Secp256r1VerifyFailed = 6,
JsonParseError = 7,
Funciones principales del contrato
Estas funciones manejan la adición y eliminación de firmantes, actualización del contrato y gestión de cuentas de administrador.
// Implementing the Contract struct with various methods
impl Contract {
// Method to add a new signer, potentially as an admin
pub fn add(env: Env, id: Bytes, pk: BytesN<65>, mut admin: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Check if the instance storage has the ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT key
if {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
} else {
// If it's the first signer, ensure they are an admin
admin = true;
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// If the signer is an admin
if admin {
// Check if the ID exists in temporary storage
if {
// Remove the ID from temporary storage;
// Update the admin signer count by incrementing it
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, true);
// Store the public key in persistent storage with the given ID, &pk);
// Extend the TTL for the persistent storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
} else {
// If the signer is not an admin
// Check if the ID exists in persistent storage
if {
// Update the admin signer count by decrementing it
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, false);
// Remove the ID from persistent storage;
// Store the public key in temporary storage with the given ID, &pk);
// Extend the TTL for the temporary storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Publish an event indicating a new signer has been added
.publish((EVENT_TAG, symbol_short!("add"), id, pk), admin);
// Return Ok indicating success
// Method to remove a signer
pub fn remove(env: Env, id: Bytes) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
// Check if the ID exists in temporary storage
if {
// Remove the ID from temporary storage;
} else if {
// If the ID exists in persistent storage, decrement the admin signer count
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, false);
// Remove the ID from persistent storage;
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Publish an event indicating a signer has been removed
.publish((EVENT_TAG, symbol_short!("remove"), id), ());
// Return Ok indicating success
// Method to update the contract with new WASM code
pub fn update(env: Env, hash: BytesN<32>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
// Update the contract's WASM code with the new hash
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Return Ok indicating success
// Helper method to update the count of admin signers
fn update_admin_signer_count(env: &Env, add: bool) {
// Get the current count of admin signers from instance storage, defaulting to 0
let count = env
.get::<Symbol, i32>(&ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT)
+ if add { 1 } else { -1 };
// If the count is less than or equal to 0, trigger an error
if count <= 0 {
panic_with_error!(env, Error::NotPermitted)
// Update the admin signer count in instance storage
.set::<Symbol, i32>(&ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT, &count);
Estructura de la firma
Esta estructura representa una firma WebAuthn.
pub struct Signature {
pub id: Bytes,
pub authenticator_data: Bytes,
pub client_data_json: Bytes,
pub signature: BytesN<64>,
Implementación de CustomAccountInterface
Esto implementa la lógica de autenticación principal para la billetera WebAuthn.
impl CustomAccountInterface for Contract {
// Defining the error and signature types for the trait
type Error = Error;
type Signature = Signature;
fn __check_auth(
env: Env, // The environment context
signature_payload: Hash<32>, // The payload that needs to be signed
signature: Signature, // The signature provided by the client
auth_contexts: Vec<Context>, // Contexts for authentication
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Destructure the signature into its components
let Signature {
mut authenticator_data,
} = signature;
// Set the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Try to retrieve the public key associated with the id from temporary storage
let pk = match {
Some(pk) => {
// Check if a session signer is trying to perform protected actions
for context in auth_contexts.iter() {
match context {
// If the context is a contract call
Context::Contract(c) => {
// Ensure that the current contract is not performing restricted actions
if c.contract == env.current_contract_address()
&& (c.fn_name != symbol_short!("remove")
|| (c.fn_name == symbol_short!("remove")
&& Bytes::from_val(&env, &c.args.get(0).unwrap()) != id))
return Err(Error::NotPermitted);
_ => {} // Allow other contexts (e.g., deploying new contracts)
// Extend the TTL for the temporary storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
pk // Return the public key
// If not found in temporary storage, try persistent storage
None => {
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Extend the authenticator data with the SHA-256 hash of the client data JSON
// Verify the signature using the secp256r1 elliptic curve algorithm
.secp256r1_verify(&pk, &env.crypto().sha256(&authenticator_data), &signature);
// Parse the client data JSON, extracting the base64 URL encoded challenge
let client_data_json = client_data_json.to_buffer::<1024>();
let client_data_json = client_data_json.as_slice();
let (client_data_json, _): (ClientDataJson, _) =
serde_json_core::de::from_slice(client_data_json).map_err(|_| Error::JsonParseError)?;
// Build the expected challenge from the signature payload
let mut expected_challenge = [0u8; 43];
base64_url::encode(&mut expected_challenge, &signature_payload.to_array());
// Check that the challenge inside the client data JSON matches the expected challenge
if client_data_json.challenge.as_bytes() != expected_challenge {
return Err(Error::ClientDataJsonChallengeIncorrect);
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
Ok(()) // Return success
Codificación de url Base64
Esta función proporciona la funcionalidad de codificación URL Base64 utilizada en el proceso WebAuthn.
// Define the Base64 URL alphabet as a constant byte array.
const ALPHABET: &[u8] = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
// The `encode` function takes a mutable reference to a destination byte array `dst` and a source byte array `src`.
pub fn encode(dst: &mut [u8], src: &[u8]) {
// Initialize destination index `di` and source index `si` to 0.
let mut di: usize = 0;
let mut si: usize = 0;
// Calculate the length of the source array that is a multiple of 3.
let n = (src.len() / 3) * 3;-
// Process the source array in chunks of 3 bytes.
while si < n {
// Combine 3 bytes into a single 24-bit value.
let val = (src[si] as usize) << 16 | (src[si + 1] as usize) << 8 | (src[si + 2] as usize);
// Encode the 24-bit value into 4 Base64 characters.
dst[di] = ALPHABET[val >> 18 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 1] = ALPHABET[val >> 12 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 2] = ALPHABET[val >> 6 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 3] = ALPHABET[val & 0x3F];
// Increment the source index by 3 and the destination index by 4.
si += 3;
di += 4;
// Calculate the remaining number of bytes in the source array.
let remain = src.len() - si;
// If there are no remaining bytes, return early.
if remain == 0 {
// Initialize a 24-bit value with the remaining byte(s).
let mut val = (src[si] as usize) << 16;
// If there are 2 remaining bytes, add the second byte to the 24-bit value.
if remain == 2 {
val |= (src[si + 1] as usize) << 8;
// Encode the remaining bytes into 2 or 3 Base64 characters.
dst[di] = ALPHABET[val >> 18 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 1] = ALPHABET[val >> 12 & 0x3F];
// If there are 2 remaining bytes, encode the third Base64 character.
if remain == 2 {
dst[di + 2] = ALPHABET[val >> 6 & 0x3F];
Explicación escrita del código
El contrato de la billetera WebAuthn gestiona las credenciales de usuario y la autenticación. Permite agregar y eliminar firmantes, diferenciando entre administradores y usuarios regulares. La función de añadir registra nuevos firmantes, almacenando claves de administrador de manera persistente y claves regulares de forma temporal. La función de eliminar borra firmantes, y actualizar permite mejoras del contrato. El núcleo de la seguridad de la billetera es la función __check_auth
, que verifica las firmas WebAuthn. Verifica la firma contra la clave pública almacenada, valida el JSON de datos del cliente y asegúrate de que el desafío coincida con el valor esperado. El contrato utiliza las capacidades de almacenamiento de Soroban para gestionar claves y cantidades de administradores, con diferentes TTL (Tiempo de Vida) para almacenamiento persistente y temporal.
Casos de prueba
Estos son casos de prueba para asegurar que nuestra billetera WebAuthn esté funcionando correctamente. Utilizaremos las utilidades de prueba del SDK de Soroban para crear y ejecutar estas pruebas.
mod test {
use std::println;
extern crate std;
use soroban_sdk::{
use crate::{Contract, ContractClient, Error, Signature};
fn test() {
let env = Env::default();
let deployee_address = env.register_contract(None, Contract);
let deployee_client = ContractClient::new(&env, &deployee_address);
// Test data
let id = Bytes::from_array(
&[243, 248, 216, 74, 226, 218, 85, 102, 196, 167, 14, 151, 124, 42, 73, 136, 138, 102, 187, 140],
let pk = BytesN::from_array(
&[4, 163, 142, 245, 242, 113, 55, 104, 189, 52, 128, 238, 206, 174, 194, 177, 4, 100,
161, 243, 177, 255, 10, 53, 57, 194, 205, 45, 208, 10, 131, 167, 93, 44, 123, 126, 95,
219, 207, 230, 175, 90, 96, 41, 121, 197, 127, 180, 74, 236, 160, 0, 60, 185, 211, 174,
133, 215, 200, 208, 230, 51, 210, 94, 214],
// Test adding a signer
deployee_client.add(&id, &pk, &true);
// Test authentication
let signature_payload = BytesN::from_array(
&[150, 22, 248, 96, 91, 4, 111, 72, 170, 101, 57, 225, 210, 199, 91, 29, 159, 227, 209,
6, 231, 63, 222, 209, 232, 57, 112, 98, 140, 118, 206, 245],
let signature = Signature {
authenticator_data: Bytes::from_array(
&[75, 74, 206, 229, 181, 139, 119, 89, 254, 159, 95, 149, 227, 164, 109, 143, 188,
228, 143, 219, 181, 216, 77, 123, 142, 172, 60, 20, 162, 154, 181, 187, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0],
client_data_json: Bytes::from_array(
&[123, 34, 116, 121, 112, 101, 34, 58, 34, 119, 101, 98, 97, 117, 116, 104, 110, 46,
103, 101, 116, 34, 44, 34, 99, 104, 97, 108, 108, 101, 110, 103, 101, 34, 58, 34,
108, 104, 98, 52, 89, 70, 115, 69, 98, 48, 105, 113, 90, 84, 110, 104, 48, 115,
100, 98, 72, 90, 95, 106, 48, 81, 98, 110, 80, 57, 55, 82, 54, 68, 108, 119, 89,
111, 120, 50, 122, 118, 85, 34, 44, 34, 111, 114, 105, 103, 105, 110, 34, 58, 34,
104, 116, 116, 112, 115, 58, 47, 47, 112, 97, 115, 115, 107, 101, 121, 45, 107,
105, 116, 45, 100, 101, 109, 111, 46, 112, 97, 103, 101, 115, 46, 100, 101, 118, 34, 125],
id: id.clone(),
signature: BytesN::from_array(
&[74, 48, 29, 120, 181, 135, 255, 178, 105, 76, 82, 118, 29, 135, 193, 72, 123, 144,
138, 214, 125, 27, 33, 159, 169, 200, 151, 55, 7, 250, 111, 172, 86, 89, 162, 167,
148, 105, 144, 68, 21, 249, 61, 253, 80, 61, 54, 29, 14, 162, 12, 173, 206, 194,
144, 227, 11, 225, 74, 254, 191, 221, 103, 86],
let result: Result<(), Result<Error, _>> = env.try_invoke_contract_check_auth(
println!("{:?}", result);
Esta implementación de billetera WebAuthn proporciona una manera segura y fácil de gestionar activos digitales en Stellar. Aprovecha los beneficios de seguridad de WebAuthn mientras mantiene la flexibilidad necesaria para interacciones en blockchain.
Código completo
Aquí están todos los fragmentos apilados juntos en un solo archivo para conveniencia:
use soroban_sdk::{
auth::{Context, CustomAccountInterface},
contract, contracterror, contractimpl, contracttype,
panic_with_error, symbol_short, Bytes, BytesN, Env, FromVal, Symbol, Vec,
pub struct Contract;
// Error definitions for the contract
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
NotFound = 1,
NotPermitted = 2,
ClientDataJsonChallengeIncorrect = 3,
Secp256r1PublicKeyParse = 4,
Secp256r1SignatureParse = 5,
Secp256r1VerifyFailed = 6,
JsonParseError = 7,
// Structure representing a WebAuthn signature
pub struct Signature {
pub id: Bytes,
pub authenticator_data: Bytes,
pub client_data_json: Bytes,
pub signature: BytesN<64>,
// Implementing the Contract struct with various methods
impl Contract {
// Method to add a new signer, potentially as an admin
pub fn add(env: Env, id: Bytes, pk: BytesN<65>, mut admin: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Check if the instance storage has the ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT key
if {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
} else {
// If it's the first signer, ensure they are an admin
admin = true;
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// If the signer is an admin
if admin {
// Check if the ID exists in temporary storage
if {
// Remove the ID from temporary storage;
// Update the admin signer count by incrementing it
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, true);
// Store the public key in persistent storage with the given ID, &pk);
// Extend the TTL for the persistent storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
} else {
// If the signer is not an admin
// Check if the ID exists in persistent storage
if {
// Update the admin signer count by decrementing it
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, false);
// Remove the ID from persistent storage;
// Store the public key in temporary storage with the given ID, &pk);
// Extend the TTL for the temporary storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Publish an event indicating a new signer has been added
.publish((EVENT_TAG, symbol_short!("add"), id, pk), admin);
// Return Ok indicating success
// Method to remove a signer
pub fn remove(env: Env, id: Bytes) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
// Check if the ID exists in temporary storage
if {
// Remove the ID from temporary storage;
} else if {
// If the ID exists in persistent storage, decrement the admin signer count
Self::update_admin_signer_count(&env, false);
// Remove the ID from persistent storage;
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Publish an event indicating a signer has been removed
.publish((EVENT_TAG, symbol_short!("remove"), id), ());
// Return Ok indicating success
// Method to update the contract with new WASM code
pub fn update(env: Env, hash: BytesN<32>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Require authentication from the current contract address
// Update the contract's WASM code with the new hash
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for the storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Return Ok indicating success
// Helper method to update the count of admin signers
fn update_admin_signer_count(env: &Env, add: bool) {
// Get the current count of admin signers from instance storage, defaulting to 0
let count = env
.get::<Symbol, i32>(&ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT)
+ if add { 1 } else { -1 };
// If the count is less than or equal to 0, trigger an error
if count <= 0 {
panic_with_error!(env, Error::NotPermitted)
// Update the admin signer count in instance storage
.set::<Symbol, i32>(&ADMIN_SIGNER_COUNT, &count);
// Implementing the core authentication logic for the WebAuthn wallet
impl CustomAccountInterface for Contract {
// Defining the error and signature types for the trait
type Error = Error;
type Signature = Signature;
fn __check_auth(
env: Env, // The environment context
signature_payload: Hash<32>, // The payload that needs to be signed
signature: Signature, // The signature provided by the client
auth_contexts: Vec<Context>, // Contexts for authentication
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Destructure the signature into its components
let Signature {
mut authenticator_data,
} = signature;
// Get the maximum time-to-live (TTL) for storage entries
let max_ttl =;
// Try to retrieve the public key associated with the id from temporary storage
let pk = match {
Some(pk) => {
// Check if a session signer is trying to perform protected actions
for context in auth_contexts.iter() {
match context {
// If the context is a contract call
Context::Contract(c) => {
// Ensure that the current contract is not performing restricted actions
if c.contract == env.current_contract_address()
&& (c.fn_name != symbol_short!("remove")
|| (c.fn_name == symbol_short!("remove")
&& Bytes::from_val(&env, &c.args.get(0).unwrap()) != id))
return Err(Error::NotPermitted);
_ => {} // Allow other contexts (e.g., deploying new contracts)
// Extend the TTL for the temporary storage entry
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
pk // Return the public key
// If not found in temporary storage, try persistent storage
None => {
.extend_ttl(&id, max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
// Extend the authenticator data with the SHA-256 hash of the client data JSON
// Verify the signature using the secp256r1 elliptic curve algorithm
.secp256r1_verify(&pk, &env.crypto().sha256(&authenticator_data), &signature);
// Parse the client data JSON, extracting the base64 URL encoded challenge
let client_data_json = client_data_json.to_buffer::<1024>();
let client_data_json = client_data_json.as_slice();
let (client_data_json, _): (ClientDataJson, _) =
serde_json_core::de::from_slice(client_data_json).map_err(|_| Error::JsonParseError)?;
// Build the expected challenge from the signature payload
let mut expected_challenge = [0u8; 43];
base64_url::encode(&mut expected_challenge, &signature_payload.to_array());
// Check that the challenge inside the client data JSON matches the expected challenge
if client_data_json.challenge.as_bytes() != expected_challenge {
return Err(Error::ClientDataJsonChallengeIncorrect);
// Extend the TTL for the instance storage
.extend_ttl(max_ttl - WEEK_OF_LEDGERS, max_ttl);
Ok(()) // Return success
// Define the Base64 URL alphabet as a constant byte array.
const ALPHABET: &[u8] = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
// The `encode` function takes a mutable reference to a destination byte array `dst` and a source byte array `src`.
pub fn encode(dst: &mut [u8], src: &[u8]) {
// Initialize destination index `di` and source index `si` to 0.
let mut di: usize = 0;
let mut si: usize = 0;
// Calculate the length of the source array that is a multiple of 3.
let n = (src.len() / 3) * 3;
// Process the source array in chunks of 3 bytes.
while si < n {
// Combine 3 bytes into a single 24-bit value.
let val = (src[si] as usize) << 16 | (src[si + 1] as usize) << 8 | (src[si + 2] as usize);
// Encode the 24-bit value into 4 Base64 characters.
dst[di] = ALPHABET[val >> 18 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 1] = ALPHABET[val >> 12 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 2] = ALPHABET[val >> 6 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 3] = ALPHABET[val & 0x3F];
// Increment the source index by 3 and the destination index by 4.
si += 3;
di += 4;
// Calculate the remaining number of bytes in the source array.
let remain = src.len() - si;
// If there are no remaining bytes, return early.
if remain == 0 {
// Initialize a 24-bit value with the remaining byte(s).
let mut val = (src[si] as usize) << 16;
// If there are 2 remaining bytes, add the second byte to the 24-bit value.
if remain == 2 {
val |= (src[si + 1] as usize) << 8;
// Encode the remaining bytes into 2 or 3 Base64 characters.
dst[di] = ALPHABET[val >> 18 & 0x3F];
dst[di + 1] = ALPHABET[val >> 12 & 0x3F];
// If there are 2 remaining bytes, encode the third Base64 character.
if remain == 2 {
dst[di + 2] = ALPHABET[val >> 6 & 0x3F];
mod test {
use std::println;
extern crate std;
use soroban_sdk::{
use crate::{Contract, ContractClient, Error, Signature};
fn test() {
let env = Env::default();
let deployee_address = env.register_contract(None, Contract);
let deployee_client = ContractClient::new(&env, &deployee_address);
// Test data
let id = Bytes::from_array(
&[243, 248, 216, 74, 226, 218, 85, 102, 196, 167, 14, 151, 124, 42, 73, 136, 138, 102, 187, 140],
let pk = BytesN::from_array(
&[4, 163, 142, 245, 242, 113, 55, 104, 189, 52, 128, 238, 206, 174, 194, 177, 4, 100,
161, 243, 177, 255, 10, 53, 57, 194, 205, 45, 208, 10, 131, 167, 93, 44, 123, 126, 95,
219, 207, 230, 175, 90, 96, 41, 121, 197, 127, 180, 74, 236, 160, 0, 60, 185, 211, 174,
133, 215, 200, 208, 230, 51, 210, 94, 214],
// Test adding a signer
deployee_client.add(&id, &pk, &true);
// Test authentication
let signature_payload = BytesN::from_array(
&[150, 22, 248, 96, 91, 4, 111, 72, 170, 101, 57, 225, 210, 199, 91, 29, 159, 227, 209,
6, 231, 63, 222, 209, 232, 57, 112, 98, 140, 118, 206, 245],
let signature = Signature {
authenticator_data: Bytes::from_array(
&[75, 74, 206, 229, 181, 139, 119, 89, 254, 159, 95, 149, 227, 164, 109, 143, 188,
228, 143, 219, 181, 216, 77, 123, 142, 172, 60, 20, 162, 154, 181, 187, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0],
client_data_json: Bytes::from_array(
&[123, 34, 116, 121, 112, 101, 34, 58, 34, 119, 101, 98, 97, 117, 116, 104, 110, 46,
103, 101, 116, 34, 44, 34, 99, 104, 97, 108, 108, 101, 110, 103, 101, 34, 58, 34,
108, 104, 98, 52, 89, 70, 115, 69, 98, 48, 105, 113, 90, 84, 110, 104, 48, 115,
100, 98, 72, 90, 95, 106, 48, 81, 98, 110, 80, 57, 55, 82, 54, 68, 108, 119, 89,
111, 120, 50, 122, 118, 85, 34, 44, 34, 111, 114, 105, 103, 105, 110, 34, 58, 34,
104, 116, 116, 112, 115, 58, 47, 47, 112, 97, 115, 115, 107, 101, 121, 45, 107,
105, 116, 45, 100, 101, 109, 111, 46, 112, 97, 103, 101, 115, 46, 100, 101, 118, 34, 125],
id: id.clone(),
signature: BytesN::from_array(
&[74, 48, 29, 120, 181, 135, 255, 178, 105, 76, 82, 118, 29, 135, 193, 72, 123, 144,
138, 214, 125, 27, 33, 159, 169, 200, 151, 55, 7, 250, 111, 172, 86, 89, 162, 167,
148, 105, 144, 68, 21, 249, 61, 253, 80, 61, 54, 29, 14, 162, 12, 173, 206, 194,
144, 227, 11, 225, 74, 254, 191, 221, 103, 86],
let result: Result<(), Result<Error, _>> = env.try_invoke_contract_check_auth(
println!("{:?}", result);
Guías en esta categoría:
📄️ Usar __check_auth de maneras interesantes
Dos guías que explican cómo usar __check_auth
📄️ Hacer llamadas entre contratos
Llamar a un contrato inteligente desde otro contrato inteligente
📄️ Desplegar un contrato a partir de bytecode Wasm instalado usando un contrato desplegador
Desplegar un contrato a partir de bytecode Wasm instalado usando un contrato desplegador
📄️ Desplegar un SAC para un activo Stellar utilizando código
Desplegar un SAC para un activo Stellar utilizando el SDK de Javascript
📄️ Organizar errores de contrato con un tipo de enumeración de errores
Gestionar y comunicar errores de contrato utilizando una estructura de enumeración almacenada como valores de Estado
📄️ Extender el TTL de un contrato desplegado con código
Cómo extender el TTL del código Wasm de un contrato desplegado
📄️ Actualizando el bytecode de Wasm para un contrato desplegado
Actualizar el bytecode de Wasm para un contrato desplegado
📄️ Escribir metadatos para tu contrato
Usa el contractmeta! macro en Rust SDK para escribir metadatos en contratos Wasm
📄️ Espacios de trabajo
Organizar contratos usando espacios de trabajo de Cargo