Transactions (specialized)
📄️ Channel Accounts
Channel accounts provide a method for submitting transactions to the network at a high rate.
📄️ Claimable Balances
Claimable balances were introduced in CAP-0023 and are used to split a payment into two parts.
📄️ Clawbacks
Clawbacks were introduced in CAP-0035 and allow an asset issuer to burn a specific amount of a clawback-enabled asset from a trustline or claimable balance, effectively destroying it and removing it from a recipient’s balance.
📄️ Fee-Bump Transactions
Fee-bump transactions were introduced in CAP-0015 and enable an account to pay the transaction fees for an existing transaction without having to re-sign the transaction or manage sequence numbers.
📄️ Memos
Memos are an optional unstructured data field that can be used to embed any additional identifying information about the transaction relevant to the sender or receiver.
📄️ Path Payments
In a path payment, the asset received differs from the asset sent. Rather than the operation transferring assets directly from one account to another, path payments cross through the SDEX and/or liquidity pools before arriving at the destination account. For the path payment to succeed, there has to be a DEX offer or liquidity pool exchange path in existence. It can sometimes take several hops of conversion to succeed.
📄️ Pooled Accounts: Muxed Accounts and Memos
When building an application or service on Stellar, one of the first things you have to decide is how to handle user accounts.
📄️ Sponsored Reserves
Sponsored reserves were introduced in CAP-0033 and allow an account (sponsoring account) to pay the base reserves for another account (sponsored account). While this relationship exists, base reserve requirements that would normally accumulate on the sponsored account now accumulate on the sponsoring account.