Admin Guide
All you need to know about setting up, running, and using Stellar RPC.
📄️ Prerequisites
The RPC service can be installed on bare metal or a virtual machine. It is natively supported on both Linux and Windows operating systems.
📄️ Installing
We offer three alternatives to deploy your own RPC instance:
📄️ Configuring
For production, we recommend running Stellar RPC with a TOML configuration file rather than CLI flags. This is similar to creating a configuration file for Stellar-Core as we did previously. For example, using our docker image:
📄️ Running
You can run the stellar/stellar-rpc container with the following command:
📄️ Development
For local development, we recommend downloading and running a local instance via Docker Quickstart and running a local network or communicating with a live development [Testnet].
📄️ Monitoring
If you run Stellar RPC with the --admin-endpoint configured and expose the port, you'll have access to the Prometheus metrics via the /metrics endpoint. For example, if the admin endpoint is