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Stellar network data ingestion in Hubble is done through stellar-etl. stellar-etl reads and transforms Stellar network data into OLAP friendly JSON files.

Use CaseRecommended SolutionReason
Need commonly required data fields and do not want to take burden of setting up entire pipelineUse output from SDF's stellar-etl instance i.e. Connect to Bigquery and access hubbleIt is worth noting that most users will not need to standup and run their own stellar-etl instance. The Stellar Development Foundation provides public access to fully transformed Stellar network data through the public datasets and tables in GCP BigQuery.
Need custom data but do not want to take burden of setting up entire pipelineUse JS-UDFStellar-ETL does not parse every single field available in raw XDR, but it does save the raw transaction meta. JS-UDF helps to extract a field directly from XDR
Need custom and operationally independent dataRun stellar-etlRunning stellar-etl within your own infrastructure provides a number of benefits. You can:
- Have full operational control without dependency on the Stellar Development Foundation for network data
- Run modified ETL/ELT pipelines that fit your individual business needs