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The SEP-38 standard defines a way for anchors to provide quotes for the exchange of an off-chain asset and a different on-chain asset, and vice versa. Quotes may be indicative or firm ones. When either is used is explained in the sections below.

Creating Sep-38 Object​

Let's start with creating a sep38 object, which we'll use for all SEP-38 interactions. Authentication is optional for these requests, and depends on the anchor implementation. For our example we will include it.

Authentication is done using Sep-10, and we add the authentication token to the sep38 object.

const accountKp = ... // our account keypair

const auth = await anchor.sep10();
const authToken = await auth.authenticate({ accountKp });
const sep38 = anchor.sep38(authToken);

Get Anchor Information​

First, let's get information about the anchor's support for SEP-38. The response gives what stellar on-chain assets and off-chain assets are available for trading.

const resp = await;

For example a response will look like this. The asset identifiers are described below in Asset Identification Format.

assets: [
asset: 'iso4217:USD',
country_codes: [Array],
sell_delivery_methods: [Array],
buy_delivery_methods: [Array]

Asset Identification Format​

Before calling other endpoints we should understand the scheme used to identify assets in this protocol. The following format is used:


The currently accepted scheme values are stellar for Stellar assets, and iso4217 for fiat currencies.

For example to identify USDC on Stellar we would use:


And to identify fiat USD we would use:


Further explanation can be found in SEP-38 specification.

Get Prices​

Now let's get indicative prices from the anchor in exchange for a given asset. This is an indicative price. The actual price will be calculated at conversion time once the Anchor receives the funds from a user.

In our example we're getting prices for selling 5 fiat USD.

const resp = await sep38.prices({
sell_asset: "iso4217:USD",
sell_amount: "5",

The response gives the asset prices for exchanging the requested sell asset. For example, a response look like this:

"buy_assets": [
"price": "5.42",
"decimals": 7

Get Price​

Next, let's get an indicative price for a certain pair.

Once again this is an indicative value. The actual price will be calculated at conversion time once the Anchor receives the funds from a User.

Either a sellAmount or buyAmount value must be given, but not both. And context refers to what Stellar SEP context this will be used for (ie. sep6, sep24, or sep31).

const resp = await sep38.price({
sellAsset: "iso4217:USD",
sellAmount: "5",
context: "sep6",

The response gives information for exchanging these assets. For example, a response will look like this:

{ price: '1.18', sell_amount: '5.00', buy_amount: '4.24' }

Post Quote​

Now let's get a firm quote from the anchor. As opposed to the earlier endpoints, this quote is stored by the anchor for a certain period of time. We will show how we can grab the quote again later.

The request body is similar to the .price() call we made earlier.

const requestResp = await sep38.requestQuote({
sell_asset: "iso4217:USD",
sell_amount: "5",
context: "sep6",

However now the response gives an id that we can use to identify the quote. The expires_at field tells us how long the anchor will wait to receive funds for this quote.

An example response looks like this:

id: '019417b3-91ce-473a-929f-15e19470733a',
price: '0.81',
expires_at: '2024-01-03T20:34:48.190481Z',
sell_asset: 'iso4217:USD',
sell_amount: '5.00',
buy_amount: '6.17'

Get Quote​

Now let's get the previously requested quote. To do that we use the id from the .requestQuote() response.

const quoteId =;
const getResp = await sep38.getQuote(quoteId);

The response should match the one given from .requestQuote() we made earlier.