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Retrieve a Transaction



The single transaction endpoint provides information on a specific transaction.


Path Parameters

    transaction_hash stringrequired

    Transactions are commands that modify the ledger state and consist of one or more operations.



    _links object
    self objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    account objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    ledger objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    operations objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    effects objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    precedes objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    succeeds objectrequired
    href linkrequired
    templated boolean
    id id (string)
    paging_token string
    successful boolean
    hash string
    ledger int32
    created_at string
    source_account address (string)

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression G[A-Z0-9]{55}

    account_muxed string
    account_muxed_id string
    source_account_sequence string
    fee_account address (string)

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression G[A-Z0-9]{55}

    fee_account_muxed address (string)

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression G[A-Z0-9]{55}

    fee_account_muxed_id string
    fee_charged string
    max_fee string
    operation_count int32
    envelope_xdr string
    result_xdr string
    result_meta_xdr string
    fee_meta_xdr string
    memo_type string
    signatures string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression G[A-Z0-9]{55}
