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Invoke Host Function Object

Invokes a Soroban smart contract function.



  • functionstring

    The type of InvokeHostFunctionOp which can be one of HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeInvokeContract, HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeCreateContract, or HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeUploadContractWasm.

  • parametersarray

    An array of parameters passed into the Soroban smart contract function (only present when the type of InvokeHostFunctionOp is HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeInvokeContract).

    Show child attributes
    • typestring

      The type of the function parameter.

    • valuestring

      The base64 encoding of the XDR value of the parameter.

  • addressstring

    The address of the newly created contract (only present when the type of InvokeHostFunctionOp is HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeCreateContract).

  • saltstring

    The salt used to create the contract (only present when the type of InvokeHostFunctionOp is HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeCreateContract).

  • asset_balance_changesarray

    An array of Stellar Asset Contract balance update events that occurred as a side effect of the InvokeHostFunctionOp (only present when the type of InvokeHostFunctionOp is HostFunctionTypeHostFunctionTypeInvokeContract and the invocation is on a Stellar Asset Contract).

    Show child attributes
    • asset_typestring

      The type of asset being sent. Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

    • codestring

      The code for the asset being sent. Appears if the asset_type is not native.

    • issuerstring

      The Stellar address of the issuer of the asset being sent. Appears if the asset_type is not native.

    • typestring

      The type of the Stellar Asset Contract event. It can be one of transfer, mint, clawback, or burn.

    • fromstring

      The Stellar address of the sender (can be a contract or a Stellar account). This field is not present when type is mint.

    • tostring

      The Stellar address of the recipient (can be a contract or a Stellar account). This field is only present when type is transfer or mint.

    • amountstring

      The amount sent.