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Stellar Core can be controlled using a robust CLI.


We will cover some of the essential commands and syntax here, but the very best resource for utilizing the stellar-core command line is located in the stellar-core GitHub repo.

Get --help Anywhere

The --help (aliases: -h or -?) option can be specified at any place in the command line. It will show you the help message for the relevant command. Some example useage is as follows:

stellar-core --help
stellar-core run --help
stellar-core --help new-db
stellar-core catchup --help

Essential Commands

For all stellar-core commands, options can only by placed after the command.


The new-db command creates or restores the local database to the genesis ledger.

new-db Options

  • --minimal-for-in-memory-mode: Reset the special database used only for in-memory mode. (see the --in-memory flag in run options)


The run command will run the stellar-core node.

run Options

  • --disable-bucket-gc: Keeps all, even old, buckets on disk.
  • --metadata-output-stream <STREAM>: Filename or file-descriptor number fd:N to stream metadata to.
  • --in-memory: Stores working ledger in memory rather than database.
  • --wait-for-consensus: Wait to hear from the network before voting, for validating nodes only.
  • --start-at-ledger <LEDGER>: Start in-memory run with replay from historical ledger number.
  • --start-at-hash <HASH>: Start in-memory run with replay from historical ledger hash.


The catchup command will execute a catchup from history archives without connecting to the network.

catchup Options

  • <DESTINATION_LEDGER/LEDGER_COUNT>: (required) Destination ledger is any valid number or current and ledger count is any valid number or max.
  • --archive <ARCHIVE-NAME>: Archive name to be used for catchup. Use any to select randomly.
  • --trusted-checkpoint-hashes <FILE-NAME>: Get destination ledger hash from trusted output of verify-checkpoints.
  • --output-file <FILE-NAME>: Output file.
  • --disable-bucket-gc: Keeps all, even old, buckets on disk.
  • --extra-verification: Verify all files from the archive for the catchup range.
  • --in-memory: Store working ledger in memory rather than database.
  • --trusted-hash <HASH>: Hash of the ledger to catchup to.
  • --force-untrusted-catchup: Force unverified catchup.
  • --metadata-output-stream <STREAM>: Filename or file-descriptor number fd:N to stream metadata to.
  • --force-back: Force ledger state to a previous state, preserving older historical data.

To reiterate, this page covers some of the essential commands, but we've only scratched the surface. The very best, most comprehensive resource for utilizing the stellar-core command line is located in the stellar-core GitHub repo.