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Receive an Event



Receive a JSON object representing an event.



    id stringrequired
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [transaction_created, transaction_status_changed, transaction_error, quote_created, customer_updated]

    The transaction event type. Can be one of the following:

    • transaction_created - a transaction was created through the SEP endpoints. The payload is in the transaction field.
    • transaction_status_changed - the status of a transaction has changed. The payload is in the transaction field.
    • transaction_error - error processing the transaction. The payload is in the transaction field.
    • quote_created - a quote was created via the SEP38 API. The payload is in the quote field.
    timestamp date-timerequired
    payload objectrequired
    transaction object
    id stringrequired
    sep stringrequired

    Possible values: [24]

    kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [deposit, withdrawal]

    status StatusSEP24 (string)required

    Possible values: [incomplete, completed, refunded, expired, error, pending_stellar, pending_external, pending_user_transfer_start, pending_user_transfer_complete, pending_anchor, pending_trust, pending_user, no_market, too_small, too_large]

    Possible status value for SEP-24 transactions

    amount_expected objectrequired
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_in object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_out object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    quote_id string
    started_at date-timerequired
    updated_at date-time
    completed_at date-time
    transfer_received_at date-time
    message string
    refunds object
    amount_refunded object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    payments object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    id_type string

    Possible values: [stellar, external]

    amount object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    requested_at date-time
    refunded_at date-time
  • ]
  • stellar_transactions object[]
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The ID of the transaction in the Stellar network.

    memo string

    The memo of the transaction in the Stellar network.

    memo_type string

    Possible values: [text, hash, id]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    created_at date-timerequired

    The time the transaction was registered in the Stellar network.

    envelope stringrequired

    The transaction envelope, containing all the transaction information.

    payments object[]required
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The ID of the payment in the Stellar Network.

    payment_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [payment, path_payment]

    Default value: payment

    The type of payment in the Stellar Network.

    source_account stringrequired

    The account being debited in the Stellar Network.

    destination_account stringrequired

    The account being credited in the Stellar Network.

    amount objectrequired
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
  • ]
  • ]
  • source_account string
    destination_account stringrequired
    external_transaction_id string
    memo string
    memo_type MemoType (string)

    Possible values: [text id hash]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    refund_memo string

    if provided, this memo should be used for refund transactions

    refund_memo_type MemoType (string)

    Possible values: [text id hash]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    client_domain string
    client_name string
    quote object
    id string
    sell_amount string
    sell_asset string
    buy_amount string
    buy_asset string
    expires_at date-time
    price string
    total_price string
    creator object

    StellarId's are objects that identify end-users and SEP-31 Sending Anchors, but not SEP-31 Receiving Anchors.

    For a SEP-12 customer, the id field should be sufficient to fully identify the customer in the business' Backend.

    For a SEP-31 Sending Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    For a SEP-6 Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    id string

    The id of the customer registered through SEP-12.

    account string

    Either the Stellar account or Muxed account address of the on-chain entity.

    memo string

    The memo value identifying a customer with a shared account, where the shared account is account.

    transaction_id string
    created_at date-time
    customer object
    id string


The event is successfully processed and ready to receive next event. The response body is empty.
