The registration endpoints guide the process for a receiver to verify their identity and link their wallet address to an SDP. The registration process only needs to happen once per receiver to link their wallet. Only SDP-compatible wallet providers can facilitate the registration process. These endpoints must be supported and hit by the wallet providers after the receiver gets the initial invite. After the wallet address is successfully linked, the payment automatically begins.
There are two parts to the registration flow. First, the wallet must authenticate and initiate a registration flow using the Anchor Platform Endpoints defined below. Note that these endpoints are hosted on a different host than the Stellar Disursement Platform.
The second part of the registration flow is handled by the webview that is opened within the wallet application. This webview uses the endpoints defined in the Stellar Disbursement Platfrom Endpoints section to complete the registration process. The wallet application can chose not to use the webview and intstead integrate directly with the API.
📄️ Start Wallet Registration
This is the endpoint the browser reaches with the first token so that the receiver can confirm their verification information through a webflow. Requires a valid SEP-24 token in the request.
📄️ Send One-Time Passcode
This endpoint generates a 6-digit OTP and sends it to the user contact (email or phone number SMS) provided in the request body, as long as it matches the receiver contact info stored in the SDP. A valid SEP-24 token should be included in this request's Authorization header.
📄️ Verify Receiver Registration
This endpoint verifies the receiver's registration by validating the OTP and other verification values provided in the request body. A valid SEP-24 token should be included in the Authorization header of the request.
📄️ Retrieve Stellar Info File
Allows the wallet to fetch the SEP-10 server url, SEP-10 signing public key and SEP-24 server url.
📄️ Request Challenge Transaction
Allows the wallet to get the SEP-10 challenge transaction to be signed. More information [here]( The endpoint url can change but is provided in the Get Stellar toml endpoint response under the `WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT` variable.
📄️ Provide Signed Challenge Transaction
Allows the wallet to post the signed SEP-10 challenge transaction. More information [here]( The endpoint url can change but is provided in the toml file under the `WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT ` variable.
📄️ Request Registration URL
The deposit endpoint allows a wallet to get deposit information from an anchor, so a user has all the information needed to initiate a deposit.