Consultas para datos similares a Horizon/RPC
Horizon y RPC proporcionan puntos finales de API para recuperar datos de la red Stellar. Los siguientes ejemplos de consultas recuperan los mismos datos utilizando Hubble con el beneficio adicional de poder devolver datos históricos.
Los usuarios interactúan con la red Stellar a través de cuentas. Todo lo demás en el ledger—activos, ofertas, líneas de confianza, etc.—son propiedad de las cuentas, y las cuentas deben autorizar todos los cambios en el ledger a través de transacciones firmadas.
Aprende más sobre cuentas.
Información general de cuentas y saldo de XLM
, sequence_number as sequence
, sequence_ledger
, sequence_time
, num_subentries
, home_domain
, last_modified_ledger
, balance
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.accounts`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and account_id=<account_id>
-- filter to the specific date or date range
and batch_run_date between '2024-01-01' and '2024-01-02'
order by closed_at desc
Información de saldo de activos no XLM
, asset_code
, asset_issuer
, asset_type
, balance
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.trust_lines`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and account_id=<account_id>
-- filter to the specific date or date range
and batch_run_date between '2024-01-01' and '2024-01-02'
order by closed_at desc
Información del firmante de la cuenta
, signer
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.account_signers`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and account_id=<account_id>
-- filter to the specific date or date range
and batch_run_date between '2024-01-01' and '2024-01-02'
order by closed_at desc
Listar todas las cuentas
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.accounts_current`
where true
-- limit does not reduce the amount of data BigQuery queries
limit 1000
Recuperar las transacciones de una cuenta
, transaction_hash
, ledger_sequence
, operation_count
, successful
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_transactions`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and account=<account_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at >= timestamp(current_date)
-- limit does not reduce the amount of data BigQuery queries
limit 1000
Recuperar las operaciones de una cuenta
, op_id
, type_string
, ledger_sequence
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and op_account_id=<account_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at >= timestamp(current_date)
-- limit does not reduce the amount of data BigQuery queries
limit 1000
Recuperar los pagos de una cuenta
, transaction_id
, transaction_hash
, op_id
, ledger_sequence
, `from`
, `to`
, asset_code
, asset_issuer
, asset_type
, amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and op_account_id=<account_id>
and type in (0, 1, 2, 13, 8) -- create_account, payment, path_payment_strict_recieve, path_payment_strict_send, and account_merge
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at >= timestamp(current_date)
-- limit does not reduce the amount of data BigQuery queries
limit 1000
Recuperar los efectos de una cuenta
, he.operation_id
, eho.type_string
, he.details.asset_code
, he.details.asset_issuer
, he.details.asset_type
, he.details.amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_effects` as he
inner join `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations` as eho
on he.operation_id = eho.op_id
and eho.closed_at >= timestamp(current_date)
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and op_account_id=<account_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and he.closed_at >= timestamp(current_date)
-- limit does not reduce the amount of data BigQuery queries
limit 1000
Recuperar las ofertas de una cuenta
, offer_id
, selling_asset_code
, buying_asset_code
, amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.offers_current`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and seller_id=<account_id>
Recuperar las operaciones de una cuenta
with selling_side as (
selling_account_address as account_id
, history_operation_id
, selling_asset_code
, buying_asset_code
, selling_amount as amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and selling_account_address=<account_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and batch_run_date >= current_date
buying_side as (
buying_account_address as account_id
, history_operation_id
, selling_asset_code
, buying_asset_code
, buying_amount as amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
-- equivalent account_id parameter
and buying_account_address=<account_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and batch_run_date >= current_date
union_data as (
, history_operation_id
, selling_asset_code
, buying_asset_code
, amount
from selling_side
union all
, history_operation_id
, selling_asset_code
, buying_asset_code
, amount
from buying_side
select * from union_data
Los activos son representaciones de valor emitidas en la red Stellar. Un activo consiste en un tipo, código e emisor.
Aprende más sobre activos.
Listar todos los activos
with assets as (
, asset_issuer
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_assets`
where true
-- equivalent asset_code/asset_issuer parameters
and asset_code=<asset code>
and asset_issuer=<asset issuer>
accounts as (
count(ac.account_id) as num_accounts
, countif(ac.flags=1) as authorized_accounts
, sum(balance) as amount
from assets
join `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.trust_lines_current` as ac
on assets.asset_code = ac.asset_code
and assets.asset_issuer = ac.asset_issuer
where true
liquidity_pools as (
count(*) as num_liquidity_pools
, sum(lpc.asset_a_amount) as liquidity_pools_amount
from assets
join `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.liquidity_pools_current` as lpc
on assets.asset_code = lpc.asset_a_code
and assets.asset_issuer = lpc.asset_a_issuer
where true
current_claimable_balances as (
-- TODO: This should be replaced with the claimable_balances_current table when available
, cb.asset_code
, cb.asset_issuer
, cb.asset_amount
, cb.deleted
, cb.last_modified_ledger
, row_number() over(partition by cb.balance_id, cb.asset_code, cb.asset_issuer order by last_modified_ledger desc, deleted desc) as rn
FROM assets
join `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.claimable_balances` as cb
on assets.asset_code = cb.asset_code
and assets.asset_issuer = cb.asset_issuer
where true
order by last_modified_ledger asc
claimable_balances as (
count(*) as num_claimable_balances
, sum(asset_amount) as claimable_balances_amount
from current_claimable_balances
where true
and rn = 1
and deleted = false
from assets
join accounts on true
join liquidity_pools on true
join claimable_balances on true
Obtener información del contrato de activo en Stellar
count(balance_holder) as num_contracts
, sum(parse_bignumeric(balance)) * .0000001 as contracts_amount
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.contract_data_current`
where true
and contract_id = <SAC contract id>
and balance != ""
Saldos reclamables
Un saldo reclamable representa la transferencia de propiedad de una cantidad de un activo. Los saldos reclamables brindan un mecanismo para establecer un pago que se puede reclamar en el futuro. Esto te permite hacer pagos a cuentas que actualmente no pueden aceptarlos.
Listar todos los saldos reclamables
current_claimable_balances as (
-- TODO: This should be replaced with the claimable_balances_current table when available
, asset_code
, asset_issuer
, asset_amount
, deleted
, last_modified_ledger
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
, row_number() over(partition by balance_id, asset_code, asset_issuer order by last_modified_ledger desc, deleted desc) as rn
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.claimable_balances` as cb
where true
-- equivalent asset_code/asset_issuer parameters
and asset_code=<asset code>
and asset_issuer=<asset issuer>
order by last_modified_ledger asc
from current_claimable_balances
where true
and rn = 1
and deleted = false
-- other filters for sponsor and claimants
--and sponsor = <sponsor address>
--and claimants.destination = <account address>
Recuperar un saldo reclamable
with assets as (
-- Used to filter to a specific asset
, asset_issuer
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_assets`
where true
-- equivalent asset_code/asset_issuer parameters
and asset_code=<asset code>
and asset_issuer=<asset issuer>
current_claimable_balances as (
-- TODO: This should be replaced with the claimable_balances_current table when available
, cb.asset_code
, cb.asset_issuer
, cb.asset_amount
, cb.deleted
, cb.last_modified_ledger
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
, row_number() over(partition by cb.balance_id, cb.asset_code, cb.asset_issuer order by last_modified_ledger desc, deleted desc) as rn
from assets
join `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.claimable_balances` as cb
on assets.asset_code = cb.asset_code
and assets.asset_issuer = cb.asset_issuer
where true
order by last_modified_ledger asc
from current_claimable_balances
where true
and rn = 1
and deleted = false
and balance_id = <claimable balance id>
Recuperar operaciones y transacciones relacionadas
, transaction_id
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
and balance_id = <claimable_balance_id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Los efectos representan cambios específicos que ocurren en el ledger como resultado de operaciones exitosas, pero no necesariamente se reflejan directamente en el ledger o el historial, como sí lo hacen las transacciones y operaciones.
Listar todos los efectos
, type_string
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_effects`
where true
-- Optional filtering options
--and operation_id = <operation id>
--and address = <account address>
--and details.liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity pool id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Libros de contabilidad
Cada ledger almacena el estado de la red en un momento dado y contiene todos los cambios - transacciones, operaciones, efectos, etc. - a ese estado.
Aprende más sobre ledgers.
Listar todos los ledgers
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_ledgers`
where true
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar transacciones y operaciones de un ledger
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
and ledger_sequence = <ledger sequence>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar los pagos de un ledger
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations` as eho
where true
and type in (0, 1, 2, 8, 13) -- create_account, payment, path_payment_strict_recieve, path_payment_strict_send, and account_merge
and ledger_sequence = <ledger sequence>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Fondos de Liquidez
Los Fondos de Liquidez proporcionan una forma simple y no interactiva de intercambiar grandes cantidades de capital y permiten altos volúmenes de comercio.
Listar Fondos de Liquidez
, fee
, trustline_count
, asset_a_code
, asset_a_issuer
, asset_a_amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.liquidity_pools_current`
where true
Recuperar un Fondo de Liquidez
, fee
, trustline_count
, asset_a_code
, asset_a_issuer
, asset_a_amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.liquidity_pools_current`
where true
and liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity_pool_id>
Recuperar las transacciones y operaciones de un Fondo de Liquidez
, transaction_id
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
and liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity_pool_id>
Recuperar las operaciones relacionadas de un Fondo de Liquidez
, selling_amount
, buying_amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
and selling_liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity pool id>
Las ofertas son declaraciones sobre cuánto de un activo una cuenta desea comprar o vender.
Aprende más sobre ofertas.
Listar todas las ofertas
, seller_id
, selling_asset_code
, selling_asset_issuer
, amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.offers_current`
where true
-- optional filter by account
--and seller_id = <account address>
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar una oferta
, seller_id
, selling_asset_code
, selling_asset_issuer
, amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.offers_current`
where true
and offer_id = <offer id>
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar las operaciones de una oferta
, selling_amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
and selling_offer_id = <offer_id>
-- offer_id could also be the buying_offer_id
--and buying_offer_id = <offer_id>
Las operaciones son objetos que representan un cambio deseado en el ledger: pagos, ofertas para intercambiar moneda, cambios realizados a opciones de cuenta, etc. Las operaciones se envían a la red Stellar agrupadas en una transacción.
Cada una de las operaciones de Stellar tiene un objeto de operación único.
Listar todas las operaciones
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
-- optional filters
--and op_source_account = <account address>
--and ledger_sequence = <ledger sequence>
--and liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity pool id>
--and transaction_hash = <transaction hash>
--and transaction_id = <transaction id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Listar todos los pagos
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations` as eho
where true
-- optional filters
--and op_source_account = <account address>
--and ledger_sequence = <ledger sequence>
--and liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity pool id>
--and transaction_hash = <transaction hash>
--and transaction_id = <transaction id>
and type in (0, 1, 2, 8, 13) -- create_account, payment, path_payment_strict_recieve, path_payment_strict_send, and account_merge
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar una operación
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations` as eho
where true
-- op_id = <operation id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar los efectos de una operación
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stella.history_effects`
where true
operation_id = <operation id>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Operaciones de Intercambio
Cuando una oferta se cumple total o parcialmente, ocurre un intercambio. Los intercambios también pueden ser causados por pagos de ruta exitosos, ya que los pagos de ruta implican cumplir ofertas.
Un intercambio ocurre entre dos partes—base
y contraparte
. Cuál es cuál es arbitrario o determinado por la consulta que se llama.
Aprende más sobre intercambios.
Listar todos los intercambios
-- base_asset == selling_asset
-- counter_asset == buying_asset
, selling_asset_issuer
, selling_amount
, buying_asset_code
, buying_asset_issuer
, buying_amount
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
-- optional filter columns
and selling_offer_id = <offer id>
and buying_offer_id = <offer id>
and selling_asset_code = <asset code>
and selling_asset_issuer = <asset issuer>
and selling_liquidity_pool_id = <liquidity pool id>
and selling_account_address = <account address>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Las transacciones son comandos que modifican el estado del ledger y constan de una o más operaciones.
Aprende más sobre transacciones.
Listar todas las transacciones
, max_fee
, operation_count
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_transactions`
where true
-- optional filters
--and account = <account address>
--and ledger_sequence = <ledger sequence>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar una transacción
, max_fee
, operation_count
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_transactions`
where true
and id = <transaction id>
-- transaction_hash is also available
--and transaction_hash = <transaction hash>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Recuperar las operaciones de una transacción
, op_id
, max_fee
, operation_count
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
and transaction_id = <transaction id>
-- transaction_hash is also available
--and transaction_hash = <transaction hash>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Agregaciones de Intercambio
Una agregación de intercambio representa estadísticas agregadas sobre un par de activos (base y contraparte) para un período de tiempo específico. Las agregaciones de intercambio son útiles para los desarrolladores de clientes de intercambio y proporcionan datos históricos de intercambios.
Listar Agregaciones de Intercambio
, selling_asset_code
, selling_asset_issuer
, buying_asset_code
, buying_asset_issuer
, count(1) as number_of_trades
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_trades`
where true
-- there are various columns to filter by
-- and selling_asset_code = <asset code>
-- and selling_asset_issuer = <asset issuer>
-- and buying_asset_code = <asset code>
-- and buying_asset_issuer = <asset issuer>
-- and closed_at between <start> and <end>
group by 1,2,3,4,5
Estadísticas de tarifas
Las estadísticas de tarifas se utilizan para predecir qué tarifa establecer para una transacción antes de enviarla a la red.
Recuperar estadísticas de tarifas
, fee_charged_max
, fee_charged_min
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.fee_stats_agg`
where true
and day_agg between <start> and <end>
Los eventos de contrato y eventos de diagnóstico se utilizan para información suplementaria relacionada con la invocación de un contrato
, topics_decoded
, data_decoded
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar.history_contract_events`
where true
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>
Permite la recuperación de varios estados del ledger, como cuentas, líneas de confianza, ofertas, datos, saldos reclamables y fondos de liquidez. También proporciona acceso directo para inspeccionar el estado actual de un contrato, su código o cualquier otra entrada de ledger
Entradas de datos del contrato
, contract_id
, balance_holder
, balance
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.contract_data_current`
where true
and ledger_key_hash = <ledger_key_hash>
Entradas de código del contrato
, contract_code_hash
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.contract_code_current`
where true
and ledger_key_hash = <ledger_key_hash>
Las transacciones son comandos que modifican el estado del ledger y constan de una o más operaciones.
Aprende más sobre transacciones.
, op_id
, max_fee
, operation_count
-- please see table schema for more available columns and data
from `crypto-stellar.crypto_stellar_dbt.enriched_history_operations`
where true
and transaction_id = <transaction id>
-- transaction_hash is also available
--and transaction_hash = <transaction hash>
-- highly recommended to provide a date range to reduce amount of data queried
and closed_at between <start> and <end>