Issue an Asset Tutorial
In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to issue an asset on the Stellar test network.
If you'd like to interact with an asset issued on the Stellar network in smart contracts, you can create or deploy the Stellar Asset Contract for that asset.
You must ensure you have the required amount of XLM to create your issuing and distribution accounts and cover the minimum balance and transaction fees. If you’re issuing an asset on the testnet, you can fund your account by getting test XLM from friendbot. If you’re issuing an asset in production, you will need to acquire XLM from another wallet or exchange.
If you’d like to avoid your users having to deal with transaction fees, consider using fee-bump transactions. Read more in our Fee-Bump Transaction Encyclopedia Entry.
Learn about the testnet and mainnet in our Networks section.
Learn more about fees in our Fees, Resource Limits, and Metering section.
Foundational tools
Issuer account keypair
First, you must generate a unique keypair. The public key will act as your issuing identity on the network, while you use the secret key to sign transactions.
- JavaScript
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- Go
const issuerKeypair = StellarSdk.Keypair.random();
console.log("Issuer Public Key:", issuerKeypair.publicKey());
console.log("Issuer Secret Key:", issuerKeypair.secret());
from stellar_sdk import Keypair
issuer_keypair = Keypair.random()
print("Issuer Public Key:", issuer_keypair.public_key)
print("Issuer Secret Key:", issuer_keypair.secret)
KeyPair issuerKeypair = KeyPair.random();
System.out.println("Issuer Public Key: " + issuerKeypair.getAccountId());
System.out.println("Issuer Secret Key: " + issuerKeypair.getSecretSeed());
import (
issuerKeypair := keypair.MustRandom()
fmt.Println("Issuer Public Key:", issuerKeypair.Address())
fmt.Println("Issuer Secret Key:", issuerKeypair.Seed())
Your account address will not change once you issue your asset, even if you modify its signers. Many issuers employ vanity public keys related to their asset. For instance, you might configure a custom signer in base32 like GASTRO...USD
Many users secure their issuing account with cold storage techniques, such as a hardware wallet or multisignature setup. This adds an extra layer of protection by keeping your secret key offline or requiring multiple approvals for transactions.
Distribution account keypair
Your asset can be issued and transferred between accounts through a payment, contract, or claimable balance. Although it is not required to create a distribution account, it is best practice, so we will do so in this example. Read more in our Issuing and Distribution Accounts section.
Three Operations
Generate a new keypair
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const distributorKeypair = StellarSdk.Keypair.random();
distributor_keypair = Keypair.random()
KeyPair distributorKeypair = KeyPair.random();
distributorKeypair := keypair.MustRandom()
Import an existing keypair
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- Go
const distributorKeypair = StellarSdk.Keypair.fromSecret(‘SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4’)
distributor_keypair = Keypair.from_secret("SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4")
KeyPair distributorKeypair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed("SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4");
distributorKeypair := keypair.MustParseFull("SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4")
Employ multiple signatures
Local asset object
The asset object is a combination of your code and your issuing public key. After your issuance, anyone can search the network for your unique asset.
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- Go
const astroDollar = new StellarSdk.Asset(
from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Asset
astro_dollar = Asset("AstroDollar", issuer_keypair.public_key)
Asset astroDollar = Asset.createNonNativeAsset("AstroDollar", issuerKeypair.getAccountId());
import (
astroDollar := txnbuild.CreditAsset{Code: "AstroDollar", Issuer: issuerKeypair.Address()}
While anyone can create an asset, there may be real-world compliance implications relevant to your use case.
You’ll want to make sure you publish information about your asset to establish trust with your users and prevent errors. Learn how to do so with our Publish Information About Your Asset section.
Network transactions
Build transaction to establish distributor trustline
Accounts must establish a trustline with the issuing account to hold that issuer’s asset. This is true for all assets except for the network’s native token, Lumens.
If you’d like to avoid your users having to deal with trustlines or XLM, consider using sponsored reserves. Read more in our Sponsored Reserves Encyclopedia Entry.
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- Go
const StellarSdk = require("stellar-sdk");
const server = new StellarSdk.Horizon.Server(
const account = await server.loadAccount(distributorKeypair.publicKey());
// This step only builds the transaction. It still needs to be signed.
const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, {
fee: StellarSdk.BASE_FEE,
networkPassphrase: StellarSdk.Networks.TESTNET,
// The `changeTrust` operation creates (or alters) a trustline
asset: astroDollar,
limit: "1000", // optional
source: distributorKeypair.publicKey(),
from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Asset, Network, Server, TransactionBuilder
server = Server("")
distributor_account = server.load_account(distributor_keypair.public_key)
transaction = (
.append_change_trust_op(asset=astro_dollar, limit="1000")
Server server = new Server("");
AccountResponse distributorAccount = server.accounts().account(distributorKeypair.getAccountId());
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(distributorAccount, Network.TESTNET)
new ChangeTrustOperation.Builder(astroDollar, "1000")
import (
client := horizonclient.DefaultTestNetClient
distributorAccountRequest := horizonclient.AccountRequest{AccountID: distributorKeypair.Address()}
distributorAccount, _ := client.AccountDetail(distributorAccountRequest)
transaction, _ := txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: &distributorAccount,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
Line: astroDollar,
Limit: "1000",
Timebounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
Issuer payment to distributor
Payments are the most popular operation to actually issue (or mint) your asset, compared to other issuances. A payment creates the amount of an asset specified, up to the maximum 64-bit integer. Relevantly, you do not need to scale up the issuing amount of your asset by the XDR minimum increment.
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// We're using TransactionBuilder(...) as a short-hand here
// to show that these operations can be "chained" together.
const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(...)
// The `payment` operation sends the `amount` of the specified
// `asset` to our distributor account
destination: distributorKeypair.publicKey(),
asset: astroDollar,
amount: '1000',
source: issuerKeypair.publicKey()
# We're using TransactionBuilder(...) as a short-hand here
# to show that these operations can be "chained" together.
transaction = (
// We're using TransactionBuilder(...) as a short-hand here
// to show that these operations can be "chained" together.
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(...)
.addOperation(new PaymentOperation.Builder(
// We're using TransactionBuilder(...) as a short-hand here
// to show that these operations can be "chained" together.
transaction, _ := txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: &issuerAccount,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
Destination: distributorKeypair.Address(),
Amount: "1000",
Asset: astroDollar,
Timebounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
You can also create a market directly from the issuing account and issue tokens via trading.
Optional transactions
Configure maximum supply
This section details how to lock your account with the purpose of limiting the supply of your issued asset. However, locking your account means you’ll never be able to do anything with it ever again—whether that’s adjusting signers, changing the home domain, claiming any held XLM, or any other operation. Your account will be completely frozen.
You can permanently configure the exact number of an asset that will ever exist. Learn more about asset supply in our section on Limiting the Supply of an Asset
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const lockAccountTransaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(...)
// This `setOptions` operation locks the issuer account
// so there can never be any more of the asset minted
masterWeight: 0,
source: issuerKeypair.publicKey()
lock_account_transaction = (
Transaction lockAccountTransaction = new Transaction.Builder(...)
.addOperation(new SetOptionsOperation.Builder()
lockAccountTransaction, _ := txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: &issuerAccount,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
MasterWeight: txnbuild.NewThreshold(0),
Timebounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
Approve distributor trustline
If you enable the authorization flag, the issuing account also needs to approve the distributor account's trustline request before the issuing payment. You will need to do this for all new accounts when set for your asset.
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- Go
const issuingAccount = await server.loadAccount(issuerKeypair.publicKey());
const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(...)
trustor: distributorKeypair.publicKey(),
asset: astroDollar,
flags: {
authorized: true,
from stellar_sdk import Server, Keypair, Network, TransactionBuilder, SetTrustLineFlags
server = Server("")
issuer_account = server.load_account(issuer_keypair.public_key)
transaction = (
AccountResponse issuerAccount = server.accounts().account(issuerKeys.getAccountId());
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(...)
.addOperation(new SetTrustLineFlagsOperation.Builder(
issuerAccountRequest := horizonclient.AccountRequest{AccountID: issuerKeypair.Address()}
issuerAccount, _ := client.AccountDetail(issuerAccountRequest)
transaction, _ := txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: &issuerAccount,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
Trustor: distributorKeypair.Address(),
Asset: astroDollar,
Authorized: txnbuild.AuthorizeFlag,
Timebounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
Full Code Sample
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Go
var StellarSdk = require("stellar-sdk");
var server = new StellarSdk.Horizon.Server(
// Keys for accounts to issue and receive the new asset
var issuerKeys = StellarSdk.Keypair.fromSecret(
var receivingKeys = StellarSdk.Keypair.fromSecret(
// Create an object to represent the new asset
var astroDollar = new StellarSdk.Asset("AstroDollar", issuerKeys.publicKey());
// First, the receiving account must trust the asset
.then(function (receiver) {
var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(receiver, {
fee: 100,
networkPassphrase: StellarSdk.Networks.TESTNET,
// The `changeTrust` operation creates (or alters) a trustline
// The `limit` parameter below is optional
asset: astroDollar,
limit: "1000",
// setTimeout is required for a transaction
return server.submitTransaction(transaction);
// Second, the issuing account actually sends a payment using the asset
.then(function () {
return server.loadAccount(issuerKeys.publicKey());
.then(function (issuer) {
var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(issuer, {
fee: 100,
networkPassphrase: StellarSdk.Networks.TESTNET,
destination: receivingKeys.publicKey(),
asset: astroDollar,
amount: "10",
// setTimeout is required for a transaction
return server.submitTransaction(transaction);
.catch(function (error) {
console.error("Error!", error);
from stellar_sdk import Asset, Keypair, Network, Server, TransactionBuilder
# Configure Stellar SDK to talk to the Horizon instance hosted by SDF
# To use the live network, set the hostname to horizon_url for mainnet
server = Server(horizon_url="")
# Use test network, if you need to use public network, please set it to `Network.PUBLIC_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE`
network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
# Keys for accounts to issue and receive the new asset
issuerKeypair = Keypair.from_secret(
issuer_public = issuerKeypair.public_key
distributor_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(
distributor_public = distributor_keypair.public_key
# Transactions require a valid sequence number that is specific to this account.
# We can fetch the current sequence number for the source account from Horizon.
distributor_account = server.load_account(distributor_public)
# Create an object to represent the new asset
astro_dollar = Asset("AstroDollar", issuer_public)
# First, the receiving account must trust the asset
trust_transaction = (
# The `changeTrust` operation creates (or alters) a trustline
# The `limit` parameter below is optional
.append_change_trust_op(asset=astro_dollar, limit="1000")
trust_transaction_resp = server.submit_transaction(trust_transaction)
print(f"Change Trust Transaction Resp:\n{trust_transaction_resp}")
issuer_account = server.load_account(issuer_public)
# Second, the issuing account actually sends a payment using the asset.
payment_transaction = (
payment_transaction_resp = server.submit_transaction(payment_transaction)
print(f"Payment Transaction Resp:\n{payment_transaction_resp}")
Server server = new Server("");
// Keys for accounts to issue and receive the new asset
KeyPair issuerKeys = KeyPair
KeyPair receivingKeys = KeyPair
// Create an object to represent the new asset
Asset astroDollar = Asset.createNonNativeAsset("AstroDollar", issuerKeys.getAccountId());
// First, the receiving account must trust the asset
AccountResponse receiving = server.accounts().account(receivingKeys.getAccountId());
Transaction allowAstroDollars = new Transaction.Builder(receiving, Network.TESTNET)
// The `ChangeTrust` operation creates (or alters) a trustline
// The second parameter limits the amount the account can hold
new ChangeTrustOperation.Builder(astroDollar, "1000").build())
// Second, the issuing account actually sends a payment using the asset
AccountResponse issuer = server.accounts().account(issuerKeys.getAccountId());
Transaction sendAstroDollars = new Transaction.Builder(issuer, Network.TESTNET)
new PaymentOperation.Builder(receivingKeys.getAccountId(), astroDollar, "10").build())
package main
import (
func main() {
client := horizonclient.DefaultTestNetClient
// Remember, these are just examples, so replace them with your own seeds.
* We omit error checks here for brevity, but you should always check your
* return values.
// Keys for accounts to issue and distribute the new asset.
issuer, err := keypair.ParseFull(issuerSeed)
distributor, err := keypair.ParseFull(distributorSeed)
request := horizonclient.AccountRequest{AccountID: issuer.Address()}
issuer_account, err := client.AccountDetail(request)
request = horizonclient.AccountRequest{AccountID: distributor.Address()}
distributorAccount, err := client.AccountDetail(request)
// Create an object to represent the new asset
astroDollar := txnbuild.CreditAsset{Code: "AstroDollar", Issuer: issuer.Address()}
// First, the receiving (distribution) account must trust the asset from the
// issuer.
tx, err := txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: distributorAccount.AccountID,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Preconditions: txnbuild.Preconditions{
TimeBounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
Line: astroDollar,
Limit: "5000",
signedTx, err := tx.Sign(network.TestNetworkPassphrase, distributor)
resp, err := client.SubmitTransaction(signedTx)
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Printf("Trust: %s\n", resp.Hash)
// Second, the issuing account actually sends a payment using the asset
tx, err = txnbuild.NewTransaction(
SourceAccount: issuer_account.AccountID,
IncrementSequenceNum: true,
BaseFee: txnbuild.MinBaseFee,
Preconditions: txnbuild.Preconditions{
TimeBounds: txnbuild.NewInfiniteTimeout(),
Operations: []txnbuild.Operation{
Destination: distributor.Address(),
Asset: astroDollar,
Amount: "10",
signedTx, err = tx.Sign(network.TestNetworkPassphrase, issuer)
resp, err = client.SubmitTransaction(signedTx)
if err != nil {
} else {
log.Printf("Pay: %s\n", resp.Hash)