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Liquidity Pool Deposit Object

Deposit asset reserves into a liquidity pool.

See the Liquidity Pool Deposit operation for parameters, errors, etc.



  • liquidity_pool_idstring

    The liquidity pool associated with this deposit

  • reserves_maxarray

    An array of objects corresponding to the maximum amount of each reserve that could've been deposited

    Show child attributes
  • assetstring

    The asset in canonical (Code:Issuer) form

  • amountstring

    A floating point value encoded as a string

  • min_pricestring

    A floating point value encoded as a string indicating the minimum exchange rate for this deposit operation

  • min_price_robject

    A precise (fractional) representation of the buy and sell price of the assets on offer.

    Show child attributes
  • nnumber

    The numerator.

  • dnumber

    The denominator.

  • max_pricestring

    A floating point value encoded as a string indicating the maximum exchange rate for this deposit operation

  • max_price_robject

    A precise (fractional) representation of the buy and sell price of the assets on offer.

    Show child attributes
  • nnumber

    The numerator.

  • dnumber

    The denominator.

  • reserves_depositedarray

    An array of objects representing how much of each reserve ended up actually deposited into the pool

    Show child attributes
  • assetstring

    The asset in canonical (Code:Issuer) form

  • amountstring

    A floating point value encoded as a string

  • shares_receivedstring

    A floating point value encoded as a string representing the number of pool shares received for this deposit

  • Example
    "id": "3697472920621057",
    "paging_token": "3697472920621057",
    "transaction_successful": true,
    "type": "liquidity_pool_deposit",
    "type_i": 22,
    "created_at": "2021-11-18T03:47:47Z",
    "transaction_hash": "43ed5ce19190822ec080b67c3ccbab36a56bc34102b1a21d3ee690ed3bc23378",
    "liquidity_pool_id": "abcdef",
    "reserves_max": [
    "amount": "1000.0000005"
    "amount": "3000.0000005"
    "min_price": "0.2680000",
    "min_price_r": {
    "n": 67,
    "d": 250
    "max_price": "0.3680000",
    "max_price_r": {
    "n": 73,
    "d": 250
    "reserves_deposited": [
    "amount": "983.0000005"
    "amount": "2378.0000005"
    "shares_received": "1000"