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The Claimable Balance Object

When Horizon returns information about a claimable balance, it uses the following format:



  • idstring

    A unique identifier for this claimable balance.

  • paging_tokennumber

    A cursor value for use in pagination.

  • assetstring

    The asset available to be claimed in the SEP-11 form asset_code:issuing_address or native (for XLM)

  • amountstring

    The amount of asset that can be claimed.

  • sponsorstring (optional)

    The account id of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this claimable balance.

  • last_modified_ledgerinteger

    The sequence number of the last ledger in which this claimable balance was modified.

  • last_modified_timestring

    An ISO 8601 formatted string of last modification time.

  • claimantsarray of objects

    The list of entries which could claim the claimable balance.

    Show child attributes
  • destinationstring

    The account ID who can claim the balance.

  • predicateobject

    The condition which must be satisfied so destination can claim the balance.

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  • unconditionalboolean (optional)

    If true it means this clause of the condition is always satisfied.

  • andarray of objects (optional)

    The array will always contain two elements which also are predicates. This clause of the condition is satisfied if both of the two elements in the array are satisfied.

  • orarray of objects (optional)

    The array will always contain two elements which also are predicates. This clause of the condition is satisfied if at least one of the two elements in the array are satisfied.

  • notobject (optional)

    The value is also a predicate. This clause of the condition is satisfied if the value is not satisfied.

  • absBeforestring (optional)

    A customized ISO 8601 formatted string representing a deadline for when the claimable balance can be claimed. If the balance is claimed before the date then this clause of the condition is satisfied. The format of this date string is a custom extension on top of ISO 8601 format. It allows for years to be outside the 0000-9999 range. The dates are derived from a unix epoch value in range of signed 64 bit integer. This means the date expresses a much larger calendar range of 292277026596 years into future and -292471206707 years back in past. This custom extension format will add a '+' prefix on values that go beyond year 9999 into the future and for years that are prior to year 0(B.C per Gregorian calendar) it will add prefix of '-'. Here are examples of date string values that are possible: '2022-02-10T15:30:22Z' '+39121901036-03-29T15:30:22Z' '-7025-12-23T00:00:00Z'

  • absBeforeEpochstring (optional)

    A unix epoch value in seconds representing the same deadline date for when the claimable balance can be claimed. It is the same date/time value that absBefore represents, just expressed in integral unix epoch seconds within the range of a signed 64bit integer.

  • relBeforestring (optional)

    A relative deadline for when the claimable balance can be claimed. The value represents the number of seconds since the close time of the ledger which created the claimable balance.

  • Example
    "_links": {
    "self": {
    "href": ""
    "operations": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "transactions": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "id": "000000000102030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "paging_token": "000000000102030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "asset": "native",
    "amount": "10.0000000",
    "claimants": [
    "predicate": {
    "and": [
    "or": [
    "relBefore": "12"
    "absBefore": "2020-08-26T11:15:39Z",
    "absBeforeEpoch": "1598440539"
    "not": { "unconditional": true }
    "last_modified_ledger": 28411995,
    "last_modified_time": "2020-02-26T19:29:16Z"