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Standard Status Codes

These responses are Internet protocol codes that describe basic issues with a submitted transaction.



  • OK200

    The request has succeeded.

  • Bad Request400

    The request as invalid in some way.

  • Not Found404

    The requested resource does not exist.

  • Not Implemented404

    The request does not have an acceptable response content-type.

  • Not Acceptable406

    The request does not have an acceptable response content-type.

  • Internal Server Error500

    Something went wrong on the Horizon server’s end.

  • Example Response for a “Bad Request” Status Code
    "type": "",
    "title": "Bad Request",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "The request you sent was invalid in some way",
    "extras": {
    "invalid_field": "limit",
    "reason": "unparseable value"