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Retrieve an Order Book



The order book endpoint provides an order book’s bids and asks and can be used in streaming mode. When filtering for a specific order book, you must use use all six of these arguments: base_asset_type, base_asset_issuer, base_asset_code, counter_asset_type, counter_asset_issuer, and counter_asset_code. If the base or counter asset is XLM, you only need to indicate the asset type as native and do not need to designate the code or the issuer.


Path Parameters

    selling_asset_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [native, credit_alphanum4, credit_alphanum12]

    The type for the selling asset. Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

Query Parameters

    selling_asset_issuer any

    The Stellar address of the selling asset’s issuer.

    selling_asset_code any

    The code for the selling asset.

    buying_asset_type string

    Possible values: [native, credit_alphanum4, credit_alphanum12]

    The type for the buying asset. Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

    buying_asset_issuer any

    The Stellar address of the buying asset’s issuer.

    buying_asset_code any

    The code for the buying asset.

    limit integer

    The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200 - an upper limit that is hardcoded in Horizon for performance reasons. If this argument isn’t designated, it defaults to 10.



    bids object[]
  • Array [
  • price_r object
    n integer
    d integer
    price string
    amount string
  • ]
  • asks object[]
  • Array [
  • price_r object
    n integer
    d integer
    price string
    amount string
  • ]
  • base object
    asset_type string
    counter object
    asset_type string
    asset_code string
    asset_issuer address (string)

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression G[A-Z0-9]{55}
