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Manage Sell Offer Object

Creates, updates, or deletes a sell offer to trade assets. A sell offer specifies a certain amount of the selling asset that should be sold in exchange for the maximum quantity of the buying asset.

See the Manage Sell Offer errors.



  • amountstring

    The amount of selling_asset that the account making this offer is willing to sell.

  • pricestring

    How many units of selling_asset it takes to get 1 unit of buying_asset. A number representing the decimal form of price_r.

  • price_robject

    A precise representation of the buy and sell price of the assets on offer.

    Show child attributes
    • nnumber

      The numerator.

    • dnumber

      The denominator.

  • buying_asset_typestring

    The type for the buying asset. Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

  • buying_asset_issuerstring

    The Stellar address of the buying asset’s issuer. Appears if the buying_asset_type is not native.

  • buying_asset_codestring

    The code for the buying asset. Appears if the buying_asset_type is not native.

  • selling_asset_typestring

    The type for the selling asset. Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

  • selling_asset_issuerstring

    The Stellar address of the selling asset’s issuer. Appears if the selling_asset_type is not native.

  • selling_asset_codestring

    The code for the selling asset. Appears if the selling_asset_type is not native.

  • offer_idstring

    A unique identifier for this offer.