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The Ledger Object

When Horizon returns information about a ledger, it uses the following format:



  • idstring

    A unique identifier for this ledger.

  • paging_tokennumber

    A cursor value for use in pagination.

  • hashstring

    A hex-encoded SHA-256 hash of this ledger’s XDR-encoded form.

  • prev_hashstring

    The hash of the ledger immediately preceding this ledger.

  • sequencenumber

    The sequence number of this ledger, and the parameter used in Horizon calls that require a ledger number.

  • successful_transaction_countnumber

    The number of successful transactions in this ledger.

  • failed_transaction_countnumber

    The number of failed transactions in this ledger.

  • operation_countnumber

    The number of operations applied in this ledger.

  • tx_set_operation_countnumber

    The number of total operations in the transaction set (including failed transactions).

  • closed_atstring

    An ISO 8601 formatted string of when this ledger was closed.

  • total_coinsstring

    The total number of lumens in circulation.

  • fee_poolstring

    The sum of all transaction fees.

  • base_fee_in_stroopsnumber

    The fee the network charges per operation in a transaction.

  • base_reserve_in_stroopsnumber

    The reserve the network uses when calculating an account’s minimum balance.

  • max_tx_set_sizenumber

    The maximum number of operations validators have agreed to process in a given ledger. Since Protocol 11, ledger capacity has been measured in operations rather than transactions. For more info on that decision, see CAP-5.

  • protocol_versionnumber

    The protocol version that the Stellar network was running when this ledger was committed.

  • header_xdrstring

    A base64 encoded string of the raw LedgerHeader xdr struct for this ledger.

  • Example
    "_links": {
    "self": {
    "href": ""
    "transactions": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "operations": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "payments": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "effects": {
    "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
    "templated": true
    "id": "548393ec23959e1959a62f003029ecf96be89e13df036073bf64918996ec4227",
    "paging_token": "115352659677937664",
    "hash": "548393ec23959e1959a62f003029ecf96be89e13df036073bf64918996ec4227",
    "prev_hash": "446d6eca81dd6db6daf50d93ca9d297bd60b1233b91de3765cccdf503cfffcb0",
    "sequence": 26857634,
    "successful_transaction_count": 27,
    "failed_transaction_count": 1,
    "operation_count": 133,
    "tx_set_operation_count": 134,
    "closed_at": "2019-11-18T19:27:21Z",
    "total_coins": "105443902087.3472865",
    "fee_pool": "1807038.9789761",
    "base_fee_in_stroops": 100,
    "base_reserve_in_stroops": 5000000,
    "max_tx_set_size": 1000,
    "protocol_version": 12,
    "header_xdr": "AAAADERtbsqB3W222vUNk8qdKXvWCxIzuR3jdlzM31A8//ywoQieYsSc05/BpgEqnLR7fKXz7t0K42V7NOjbGZA/wTEAAAAAXdLwmQAAAAAAAAAAplf68mTg/Z/DDyEZeLCoNbJnMZm4SYsYWjUjuDOSfPeRNFE4n9Hm19yKutjwVurFjk72JKVHI8J+ELwLZgWsywGZ0KIOoh6z7HlbYQAAEG9XKhRBAAABFgAAAAAH9M6YAAAAZABMS0AAAAPop9+CeMs1/7BHgFltiQPH+VT+ACYb5P0lSXh7RpBLtd34kEpeL8qKJxYz4ufmkQ2lEv/HMR/i3bi1Rt0PYj185/0kAZ3ZRbmm2mVRMzmaCOak1rn2vejHXDh+MGlr6D6vI2tc/M6VIumTKUa7SgumWDyW0r5FcJTbu/FXDQ/6C4YAAAAA"