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Retrieve an Order Book

The order book endpoint provides an order book's bids and asks and can be used in streaming mode.

When filtering for a specific order book, you must use use all six of these arguments: base_asset_type, base_asset_issuer, base_asset_code, counter_asset_type, counter_asset_issuer, and counter_asset_code. If the base or counter asset is XLM, you only need to indicate the asset type as native and do not need to designate the code or the issuer.



  • selling_asset_typerequired

    The type for the asset being sold (base asset). Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

  • selling_asset_issueroptional

    The Stellar address of the issuer of the asset being sold (base asset). Required if the selling_asset_type is not native.

  • selling_asset_codeoptional

    The code for the asset being sold (base asset). Required if the selling_asset_type is not native.

  • buying_asset_typerequired

    The type for the asset being bought (counter asset). Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

  • buying_asset_issueroptional

    The Stellar address of the issuer of the asset being bought (counter asset). Required if the buying_asset_type is not native.

  • buying_asset_codeoptional

    The code for the asset being bought (counter asset). Required if the buying_asset_type is not native.

  • limitoptional

    The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200—an upper limit that is hardcoded in Horizon for performance reasons. If this argument isn’t designated, it defaults to 20 for order books.