Retrieve Fee Stats
The fee stats endpoint provides information about per-operation fee stats over the last 5 ledgers.
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- RetrieveFeeStats
The last ledger's sequence number.
The base fee as defined in the last ledger.
The average capacity usage over the last 5 ledgers (0 is no usage, 1.0 is completely full ledgers).
Information about the fee charged for transactions in the last 5 ledgers.
Maximum (highest) fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
Minimum (lowest) fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
Mode (middle) fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
10th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
20th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
30th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
40th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
50th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
60th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
70th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
80th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
90th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
95th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
99th percentile fee charged over the last 5 ledgers.
Information about max fee bid for transactions over the last 5 ledgers.
Maximum (highest) value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
Minimum (lowest) value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
Mode (middle) value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
10th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
20th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
30th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
40th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
50th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
60th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
70th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
80th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
90th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
95th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
99th percentile value of the maximum fee bid over the last 5 ledgers.
"last_ledger": "string",
"last_ledger_base_fee": "string",
"ledger_capacity_usage": "string",
"fee_charged": {
"max": "string",
"min": "string",
"mode": "string",
"p10": "string",
"p20": "string",
"p30": "string",
"p40": "string",
"p50": "string",
"p60": "string",
"p70": "string",
"p80": "string",
"p90": "string",
"p95": "string",
"p99": "string"
"max_fee": {
"max": "string",
"min": "string",
"mode": "string",
"p10": "string",
"p20": "string",
"p30": "string",
"p40": "string",
"p50": "string",
"p60": "string",
"p70": "string",
"p80": "string",
"p90": "string",
"p95": "string",
"p99": "string"
"last_ledger": "43277313",
"last_ledger_base_fee": "100",
"ledger_capacity_usage": "1",
"fee_charged": {
"max": "5500",
"min": "5000",
"mode": "5000",
"p10": "5000",
"p20": "5000",
"p30": "5000",
"p40": "5000",
"p50": "5001",
"p60": "5001",
"p70": "5066",
"p80": "5066",
"p90": "5500",
"p95": "5500",
"p99": "5500"
"max_fee": {
"max": "616065406",
"min": "5000",
"mode": "10003",
"p10": "10000",
"p20": "10003",
"p30": "10003",
"p40": "20005",
"p50": "20005",
"p60": "50020",
"p70": "50020",
"p80": "150000",
"p90": "500000",
"p95": "500000",
"p99": "1490000"