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Welcome to Stellar Developer Docs

Stellar is a layer-1 open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer blockchain network that provides a framework for developers to create applications, issue assets, write smart contracts, and connect to existing financial rails. Stellar is designed to enable creators, innovators, and developers to build projects on the network that can interoperate with each other.

The developer docs will teach you how to build applications, issue and use tokens, write smart contracts, set up on and off-ramps, set up a validator node, and more.

Stellar for...

Asset Issuers

Issue an asset or create a custom smart contract token.

Learn More

Smart Contract Developers

Write smart contracts on the Stellar network.

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Ramps (Anchors)

Learn about and set up an anchor.

Learn More


Build a traditional wallet, dapp, or list Stellar assets on an exchange.

Learn More

Infrastructure Providers

Set up a Horizon or RPC service.

Learn More


Use Hubble to perform analysis on Stellar network data.

Learn More

What each main section of the developer docs contains.

Developer resources

Interact with other Stellar developers, keep up with ecosystem standards and protocol upgrades, and learn about upcoming events.

Stellar Developer Discord

Ask questions and engage with other Stellar devs.


Developer Site

Get the latest news and insights about building on Stellar.


Stellar Stack Exchange

A question and answer site for Stellar developers; if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the docs, try searching the Stack Exchange to see if your question has been addressed. If it hasn't, feel free to ask!


Stellar Developers Google Group

Discuss Core Advancement Proposals (CAPs) and Stellar Ecosystem Proposals (SEPs), talk about the development of Stellar Core and Horizon, and stay informed about important network upgrades.


Contribute to the docs and leave feedback

Stellar’s Developer Documentation is open-source, and contributions to the docs are encouraged. You can file an issue or pull request to add new content, suggest revisions to existing content, submit suggestions, report bugs, and more in the Stellar Docs GitHub Repo.

Also, feel free to leave any additional feedback by filing issues in the various other Stellar repos.

Stellar docs pathfinding

Asset issuers

Stellar assets
Asset and token intro
Learn about the difference between assets issued on Stellar and custom smart contract tokensLearn
Data availability overview
Learn about the different mechanisms for data availability on StellarLearn
Asset design considerations
Learn about certain considerations (e.g., flags, asset naming, etc.) that are important when issuing an assetLearn
Stellar Asset Contract (SAC)
Learn about interacting with assets issued on Stellar in smart contractsLearn
Quickstart script
Issue an asset on the Stellar network in a single transactionGuide
Deploy an SAC
Deploy a Stellar Asset Contract with the Stellar CLIGuide
Custom smart contract tokens
Asset and token intro
Learn about the difference between assets issued on Stellar and custom smart contract tokensLearn
Data availability overview
Learn about the different mechanisms for data availability on StellarLearn
Token interface (SEP-41)
Learn about the common interface for smart contract tokens on StellarLearn
Token example contract
Demonstrates how to write a token contract that implements the Token InterfaceExample
Manage contracts
Use the Stellar CLI to manage smart contractsGuide
Stellar CLI
The command line interface to Stellar smart contractsTool
Rust SDK
Supports writing programs for Stellar smart contractsTool

Smart contract developers

Essential resources
Stellar smart contracts overview
Learn the essentials about writing smart contracts on StellarLearn
Migrating from EVM networks
Stellar is not an EVM network, learn about how Stellar differs from EVM networks in this sectionLearn
Storage types
There are three different storage types for smart contract data, learn about them in this sectionLearn
Getting started guide
The go-to guide for getting setup to write smart contracts on StellarGuide
Example contracts
These contracts are good starting points for understanding best practices and writing your own contracts on StellarGuide
General contract guides
Various guides that highlight the norms seen in contract developmentGuide
Stellar CLI
The command line interface to Stellar smart contractsTool
Rust SDK
Supports writing programs for Stellar smart contractsTool
Optional resources
Trustlines are unique to Stellar and are an explicit opt-in for an account to hold and trade a particular assetLearn
Upgrading contracts
You don’t need a proxy pattern to upgrade a contract (like in EVM), you can upgrade the Wasm bytecode directly without changing the addressGuide

Ramps (anchors)

Anchor overview
Stellar ramps are called "anchors", learn about them in this overview sectionLearn
SEP-6 and SEP-24
You can set up an anchor using SEP-6 or SEP-24, learn about the differences in this sectionLearn
Anchor Platform
Set up an anchor using the SDF-maintained Anchor PlatformTutorial
Use a third-party Horizon provider
We recommend anchors use a third-party Horizon provider, but they can also set up their ownData
Demo wallet
An application for interactively testing anchor services. Lets financial application developers test their integrations and learn how Stellar ecosystem protocols (SEPs) workTool
Anchor test suite
A test suite for validating SEP6, SEP24, SEP31 transfer serversTool


Traditional wallets
Application design considerations
Various concepts to consider when building a wallet, such as custody models, security, and moreLearn
Learn about how fees work on the Stellar network and decide how you'd like to handle user feesLearn
Operations & transactions
Wallets build and submit transactions, learn about about how operations and transactions work hereLearn
Signatures & multisig
Signatures are authorization for transactions on the Stellar network, learn about them hereLearn
Anchor overview
Wallets may want to connect to financial rails via anchors (on- and off-ramps), learn about them hereLearn
Wallet SDK
Learn to build a wallet with the Wallet SDK in Kotlin, Flutter, or TypeScriptTutorial
Horizon introduction
Access network data using the Horizon REST APIData
Decentralized applications (dapps)
Transaction simulation
A process that allows developers to test the outcome of a transaction without actually executing it, helping to ensure accuracy and prevent errorsLearn
Dapp frontend
Create a web app that interacts with the contracts via RPC callsGuide
Dapp how-to guides
Explore the various guides relating to dapp developmentGuide
Stellar Wallets Kit
A kit to handle all Stellar Wallets at once with a simple API and without caring about individual configurations for each one of themTool
Stellar JS SDK
Communicate with a Horizon server and Soroban RPCData
RPC introduction
Access network data using the RPCData
List of operations
Learn how operations function on the Stellar network, notably CreateAccount, Payment, and ChangeTrustLearn
Trustlines are unique to Stellar and are an explicit opt-in for an account to hold and trade a particular assetLearn
Used to connect to Horizon or RPC, as well as construct and parse transactionsTool
Run your own RPC
Exchanges typically run their own RPC or Horizon to maintain greater control over data integrity, performance, and securityData
Run your own Horizon
Exchanges typically run their own RPC or Horizon to maintain greater control over data integrity, performance, and securityData

Infrastructure providers

Hardware requirements
The recommended hardware requirements for users looking to set up a Horizon instanceLearn
Admin guide
A comprehensive set of guides that will teach you how to administer a production Horizon instanceTutorial
API reference
Detailed documentation that provides information about the API endpoints, methods, parameters, and responsesGuide
SDK library
Use the various SDKs to simplify the Horizon setup process by using pre-built tools and libraries that make it easier to configure, manage, and connect to the networkTool
Ecosystem providers
Create a PR in the docs to list your available Horizon service on this pageTool
Stellar RPC
Hardware requirements
The recommended hardware requirements for users looking to set up an RPC nodeLearn
Admin guide
A comprehensive guide that will teach you how to administer a production RPC nodeTutorial
API reference
Detailed documentation that provides information about the API endpoints, methods, parameters, and responsesGuide
SDK library
Use the various SDKs to simplify the RPC setup process by using pre-built tools and libraries that make it easier to configure, manage, and connect to the networkTool
Ecosystem providers
Create a PR in the docs to list your available RPC service on this pageTool


Connecting to Hubble
Connect to Hubble using one of three methods: BigQuery UI, BigQuery SDK, or Looker StudioLearn
Data catalog
View all Hubble data catalog information.Learn
Developer guide
A comprehensive guide that will teach you how to extract and ingest Stellar Network Data and run your own Hubble analytics platformTutorial
Analyst guide
A comprehensive guide that will teach you how to use Hubble for data analysisTutorial
End-to-end example
A guide that will walk you through an end-to-end analysis use case with Hubble and Google Looker StudioExample
Analytics Providers
A list of data analytics providers that use Hubble to provide a complete historical record of Pubnet data on the Stellar networkTool