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Welcome to Stellar Developer Docs

Stellar is a layer-1 open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer blockchain network that provides a framework for developers to create applications, issue assets, write smart contracts, and connect to existing financial rails. Stellar is designed to enable creators, innovators, and developers to build projects on the network that can interoperate with each other.

The developer docs will teach you how to build applications, issue and use tokens, write smart contracts, set up on and off-ramps, set up a validator node, and more.

If you can’t find answers to your questions in the docs, search for your answer or ask questions in our Stellar Developer Discord or Stack Exchange.

Stellar 101

Learn about the core concepts of Stellar in this educational section.

Dive In

Write a Smart Contract

Get set up and write your first smart contract on the Stellar network.

Get Started

Issue an Asset

Issuing assets on Stellar is easy. Learn how in this tutorial.

Issue Asset

Build an Application

Build an application on Stellar using the Wallet SDK or JS SDK.

Get Building

Developer Tools

Stellar has a myriad of community and SDF-maintained tools. Check them out!

See Tools

Access Data

The RPC, Hubble, and Horizon offer all the data capabilities you could possibly need.

Get the Goods


Contains tutorials and how-to guides for writing smart contracts, building applications, interacting with the network, and more.


Find all informational and conceptual content here. Learn about Stellar fundamentals like how accounts and transactions function, dive deeper into the functionality of each operation, discover how fees work, and more.


Information on how to issue assets on the Stellar network and create custom smart contract tokens.


Discover various data availability options: RPC, Hubble, and Horizon.


Learn about all the available tools at your disposal for building on, interacting with, or just watching the Stellar network. Also, find information on how to use the Anchor Platform or Stellar Disbursement Platform.


Information about delpoyed networks (Mainnet, Testnet, and Futurenet), current software versions, and resource limitations and fees.


Everything you'll need to know if you want to run, operate, and maintain a core validator node on the Stellar network.

Contribute to the docs and leave feedback

Stellar’s Developer Documentation is open-source, and contributions to the docs are encouraged. You can file an issue or pull request to add new content, suggest revisions to existing content, submit suggestions, report bugs, and more in the Stellar Docs GitHub Repo.

Also, feel free to leave any additional feedback by filing issues in the various other Stellar repos.

Developer resources

Interact with other Stellar developers, keep up with ecosystem standards and protocol upgrades, and learn about upcoming events.

Stellar Developer Discord Ask questions and engage with other Stellar devs.

Stellar Developers Google Group Discuss Core Advancement Proposals (CAPs) and Stellar Ecosystem Proposals (SEPs), talk about the development of Stellar Core and Horizon, and stay informed about important network upgrades.

Stellar Stack Exchange A question and answer site for Stellar developers; if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the docs, try searching the Stack Exchange to see if your question has been addressed. If it hasn't, feel free to ask!

Developer Site Get the latest news and insights about building on Stellar.