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Update a Receiver



This endpoint allows an organization to add and update information on the receiver, including email address, external ID, date of birth, personal PIN, and national ID number. The response includes all information on the receiver.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    ID of the Receiver.



List of fields to patch for the receiver

    date_of_birth string

    Date of birth of the receiver

    pin string

    Personal identification number of the receiver

    national_id string

    National ID of the receiver

    email string

    Email of the receiver

    external_id string

    External ID of the receiver


Updated Receiver Details

    id string
    phone_number string
    external_id string
    email string
    created_at string
    total_payments string
    successful_payments string
    failed_payments string
    remaining_payments string
    registered_wallets string
    received_amounts object[]
  • Array [
  • asset_code string
    asset_issuer string
    received_amount string
  • ]
  • wallets object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    receiver object
    id string
    wallet object
    id string
    name string
    homepage string
    stellar_address string
    stellar_memo string
    stellar_memo_type string
    created_at string
    updated_at string
    invited_at string
    last_sms_sent string

    timestamp when the receiver last received an SMS about this wallet

    total_payments string
    payments_received string
    failed_payments string
    remaining_payments string
    received_amounts object[]
  • Array [
  • asset_code string
    asset_issuer string
    received_amount string
  • ]
  • status string

    Possible values: [DRAFT, READY, REGISTERED, FLAGGED]

    status_history object[]
  • Array [
  • status string

    Possible values: [DRAFT, READY, REGISTERED, FLAGGED]

    timestamp date-time
  • ]
  • ]