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Retrieve Customer's Info



The request and response for this endpoint is identical to the GET /customer request and response defined in SEP-12.

This endpoint allows clients to:

  1. Fetch the fields the server requires in order to register a new customer via a SEP-12 PUT /customer request

If the server does not have a customer registered for the parameters sent in the request, it should return the fields required in the response. The same response should be returned when no parameters are sent.

  1. Check the status of a customer that may already be registered

This allows clients to check whether the customers information was accepted, rejected, or still needs more info. If the server still needs more info, or the server needs updated information, it should return the fields required.


Query Parameters

    id string

    The ID of the customer as returned in the response of a previous PUT request.

    account string

    The Stellar or Muxed Account authenticated with the Platform via SEP-10.

    memo string

    The memo value identifying a customer with a shared account, where the shared account is account.

    memo_type string

    Possible values: [id, hash, text]

    The type of memo used to identify a customer with a shared account.

    type string

    The type of action the customer is being KYCd for. See the Type Specification documented in SEP-12.

    lang string

    Defaults to en. Language code specified using ISO 639-1. Human readable descriptions, choices, and messages should be in this language.


Valid request. Customer either already exists or the customer identified by the parameters is new and must provide the field values described in the response body. Response bodies are identical to the schema defined in SEP-12.

    id string
    status stringrequired


    fields object
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [string, binary, number, date]

    description stringrequired
    choices string[]
    optional boolean
    provided_fields object
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [string, binary, number, date]

    description stringrequired
    choices string[]
    optional boolean
    status string


    error string
    message string