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Change Trust Result Codes

These are result codes that communicate success (200) or failure (400) specific to the Change Trust operation.

Learn more about the Change Trust operation


    Trust was successfully changed


    The input to this operation is invalid.


    The issuer of the asset cannot be found.

  • op_invalid_limitCHANGE_TRUST_INVALID_LIMIT

    The limit is not sufficient to hold the current balance of the trustline and still satisfy its buying liabilities.


    This account does not have enough XLM to satisfy the minimum XLM reserve increase caused by adding a subentry and still satisfy its XLM selling liabilities. For every new trustline added to an account, the minimum reserve of XLM that account must hold increases.

  • op_self_not_allowedCHANGE_TRUST_SELF_NOT_ALLOWED

    The source account attempted to create a trustline for itself, which is not allowed.