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Retrieve a Transaction



Provides the information necessary for the business to determine the state of the transaction identified by id, decide if any action must be taken to continue processing the transaction, and act on the decision.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired


Transaction found.

    id stringrequired
    sep stringrequired

    Possible values: [6]

    kind stringrequired

    Possible values: [deposit, deposit-exchange, withdrawal, withdrawal-exchange]

    status StatusSEP6 (string)required

    Possible values: [incomplete, completed, refunded, expired, error, pending_stellar, pending_external, pending_customer_info_update, pending_user_transfer_start, pending_user_transfer_complete, pending_anchor, pending_trust, pending_user, no_market, too_small, too_large]

    Possible status value for SEP-6 transactions

    type string
    amount_expected object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_in object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_out object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    quote_id string
    started_at date-timerequired
    updated_at date-time
    completed_at date-time
    transfer_received_at date-time
    message string
    refunds object
    amount_refunded object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    amount_fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    payments object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    id_type string

    Possible values: [stellar, external]

    amount object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    fee object
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
    requested_at date-time
    refunded_at date-time
  • ]
  • stellar_transactions object[]
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The ID of the transaction in the Stellar network.

    memo string

    The memo of the transaction in the Stellar network.

    memo_type string

    Possible values: [text, hash, id]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    created_at date-timerequired

    The time the transaction was registered in the Stellar network.

    envelope stringrequired

    The transaction envelope, containing all the transaction information.

    payments object[]required
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The ID of the payment in the Stellar Network.

    payment_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [payment, path_payment]

    Default value: payment

    The type of payment in the Stellar Network.

    source_account stringrequired

    The account being debited in the Stellar Network.

    destination_account stringrequired

    The account being credited in the Stellar Network.

    amount objectrequired
    amount stringrequired
    asset stringrequired
  • ]
  • ]
  • source_account string
    destination_account string
    external_transaction_id string
    memo string
    memo_type MemoType (string)

    Possible values: [text id hash]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    refund_memo string

    if provided, this memo should be used for refund transactions

    refund_memo_type MemoType (string)

    Possible values: [text id hash]

    The memo type of the transaction in the Stellar network. Should be present if memo is not null.

    client_domain string
    client_name string
    customers object

    The Identification info of the sending and receiving customers. If they were created through SEP-12, this object should contain the SEP-12 customer id. Otherwise, the account address of the customer.

    sender object

    StellarId's are objects that identify end-users and SEP-31 Sending Anchors, but not SEP-31 Receiving Anchors.

    For a SEP-12 customer, the id field should be sufficient to fully identify the customer in the business' Backend.

    For a SEP-31 Sending Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    For a SEP-6 Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    id string

    The id of the customer registered through SEP-12.

    account string

    Either the Stellar account or Muxed account address of the on-chain entity.

    memo string

    The memo value identifying a customer with a shared account, where the shared account is account.

    receiver object

    StellarId's are objects that identify end-users and SEP-31 Sending Anchors, but not SEP-31 Receiving Anchors.

    For a SEP-12 customer, the id field should be sufficient to fully identify the customer in the business' Backend.

    For a SEP-31 Sending Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    For a SEP-6 Anchor, the account and memo fields should be used.

    id string

    The id of the customer registered through SEP-12.

    account string

    Either the Stellar account or Muxed account address of the on-chain entity.

    memo string

    The memo value identifying a customer with a shared account, where the shared account is account.
